Agenda item

Cabinet questions with Cllr Veronica Ward, lead member for culture, leisure, sport and the Olympics


5.1  The lead member for culture, leisure, sport and the Olympics, Councillor Veronica Ward, drew members attention to the written answers and the chair invited supplementary questions. [The written answers, tabled at the meeting, are attached to the minutes]


5.2  A member referred to question 1 on the impact of the coalition cuts and asked the cabinet lead about any areas of her portfolio she may be particularly concerned about with the impending cuts? The cabinet lead responded that sports for young people is under particular budgetary pressure.  The end of Working  Neighbourhood Fund monies will impact on the delivery of the community games programme and the Southwark Community Games; Southwark Sports Action Zone will end this March ; Southwark has two sports partnerships and  Sport England has received a budget  reduction of 30%. The cabinet lead pointed out this was on top of the revenue cuts.


5.3  A member stated he was disappointed, and shared the cabinet lead’s concern. He stated that sports play an important role in cultivating a healthy community and requested that sports provision remain priority. The cabinet lead responded that with the shrunken pot now available it will be difficult, however partners such as schools, the community games and the sports partnerships have been encouraged to talk to each other.


5.4  Another member urged the cabinet lead to write to the secretary of state about the cuts. The cabinet lead stated that she had already written to the secretary of state, and had particularly raised the issue of funding for the schools sports partnerships.


5.5  A member thanked the cabinet lead for her response to question 6 which asked for her opinion on the proposed Elephant and Castle Leisure centre consultation.


5.6  The cabinet lead stated that an outline plan for the centre, guaranteeing a swimming pool,  had been agreed with cabinet. Everybody who contributed to the consultation phase had been emailed and the council was very pleased with the response level it received.


5.7  A member asked if a squash court had been in the consultation. The cabinet lead responded it was not at the top of the list of the most requested facilitates. There was a further query on if squash courts had been on the check list and the number of responses. Adrian Whittle,  the Head of Culture, Libraries, Learning and Leisure responded that the squash courts had not been on the check list, but there had been an opportunity for respondents to make suggestions. 52 people suggested squash courts and this was the highest number in the open section. The cabinet lead responded that the design has not been finalised and she would take away these comments, bearing in mind the financial constraints.



5.8  A member referred to question 18 where she had enquired about a report on youth clubs and facilities. The member commented that this report contained a map which detailed current provision and how far young people will travel. The member reported that is was a very useful report that would be good to utilize. The cabinet lead commented that they have a new head of youth and the council is looking at provision for young people in the Camberwell Leisure Centre.


5.9  A member referred to question 2, which asked if the possible refurbishment of Newington Reference Library would be affected by the possible sale of Walworth Town Hall. The member said she was given to understand that an architect had developed proposals and there had already been investment in drawing up plans for the library’s refurbishment. The member requested that these plans were revisited. The cabinet lead stated that the council could revisit the plans and this programme would be considered alongside other possible capital schemes.



5.10  A member asked why the council was still consulting on future plans for Southwark Park Athletics track. The cabinet lead responded that despite the lack of identified funds the track was a crumbling facility that the council needed to consider. A member commented that he understood there had been a technical mistake in the planning application and but asked if the funds were still available. The Head of Culture, Libraries, Learning and Leisure explained that the cuts had meant that these funding streams had now ended and the match funding was dependant on these. The council has been advised we cannot put the same application in. A member referred to strong objections and other members commented that there is a need to take a decision in the best needs of the whole community.


5.1  There was a supplementary question about the Olympics following on from question 14 and 20. The Head of Culture, Libraries, Learning and Leisure shared the new London 2012 project structure [attached to the minutes]. A member commended the structure and the focus it gave, while another member queried the costs of this structure. The cabinet lead commented that there had been working groups before and these had been revitalised because it is important that we maximise the outcomes through clear action plans. There is a big push to get investment in the velodrome in  Dulwich and it looks like a community trust may be set up and links with the Olympics will be explored.

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