Agenda item

Public Question Time

Responses to questions raised at the previous meeting attached.


Please submit your written questions to the Neighbourhood Co-ordinator or Constitutional Officer.



The following public questions were raised:


Who’s idea was it to close the parking shop on Old Kent Road without consultation?


In response Cllr Morrissey explained that she was in contact with the relevant cabinet member regarding this and would provide a full response to the community council.


Before Christmas, on two occasions, asbestos was dumped on the Newington Estate. Will the council now provide tenant, residents and contractors with details of the surveys held on the ‘Asbestos Database’ in order to prevent asbestos being worked or dumped in a dangerous manner?


On the corner of Morecombe Street and Browning Street, how often is the green space supposed to be cleaned of litter and who is responsible? At the moment it is cleaned less than once a month, could it be attended more frequently?


Can the community council be supplied with statistics of through traffic gathered in Walworth in recent years, including Heygate, Rodney Road, Browning Street, Stead Street, Thurlow Street and the Western end of East Street?


In September 2010 the cabinet office minister and the leader of the House of Commons stated in Parliament that there was no legal requirement to be on the electoral role. Why does Southwark council insists on registering?

Supporting documents: