Agenda item

The Edges of the Borough Scrutiny - Good Practice

Good Practice example “The Cut” scheme.


5.1  The Chair welcomed Alistair Huggett, Framework and Implementation Manager to the meeting.


5.2  The Framework and Implementation Manager gave a presentation on “The Cut” which was an example of good cross-border working at the edges of the borough. (A copy of the presentation is attached to the minutes).


5.3  It was explained that the project had acted as a catalyst to further cross-boundary working with Lambeth and work had since taken place in the Herne Hill area.


5.4  In response to questions from members of the sub-committee the Framework and Implementation Manager highlighted the principal lessons from the project as follows


-  Recognising that the process will be resource intensive

-  Communication

-  Political buy-in

-  Getting the right person to talk to

-  Cross-river partnership

-  Outsourcing of community consultation to enable better feed in

-  External funding levered in through partnership

-  Willingness to compromise


5.5  Members enquired whether there were any similar projects on the Southwark/Lewisham border. The Framework and Implementation Manager reported that he was not aware of any.


5.5  Members discussed the best way to develop a rapport with Lewisham to promote cross-boundary working. It was agreed that the following elements were important


-  It should be led from the top of the organisation

-  A small amount of funding is a good catalyst

-  We need something to offer


5.7  Councillor Barber asked how cross-boundary working could reduce the level of works needed in boundary areas. The Framework and Implementation Manager suggested that engagement of the people who would be responsible for maintaining the area at the project design stage was vital, and that the rather complex management structure of “The Cut” had helped to future-proof the project.


5.8  Councillor Hamvas asked whether cross-boundary working could work on a much smaller scale. It was agreed that there was no reason why not, it was a matter of getting the right people to talk to one another. Discussion took place about the differences in standards between boroughs and the need to look at specific areas of discontinuity. It was agreed that it was important to be clear and open about where compromise was not possible. It was also agreed that a stable workforce could be hugely beneficial as so much was about partnership working between teams or individuals in each authority


5.9  The chair thanked the Framework and Implementation Manager for his contribution to the meeting.


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