Agenda item

Late Motion and Amendment on the Comprehensive Spending Review


Report:  See white paper circulated at the meeting, pages 1-3


Following a variation in the order of business, the late motion was considered after the late deputation from Southwark Trades Council, and prior to the guillotine having fallen.


Councillor Mark Glover, seconded by Councillor Helen Morrisey, moved the late motion.


Councillor Paul Noblet, seconded by Councillor Anood Al-Samerai, moved the late amendment.


Following debate (Councillors Peter John, Tim McNally, Richard Livingstone, Catherine Bowman, Gavin Edwards, Lewis Robinson, Mark Gettleson, Nick Dolezal, Geoffrey Thornton, John Friary, Michael Bukola, Patrick Diamond, David Noakes, Catherine Bowman, Rosie Shimell, Neil Coyle, Nick Stanton, Andy Simmons, Graham Neale and Ian Wingfield), a procedural motion was moved by Councillor Lisa Rajan and seconded that the question be put.  The procedure motion was put to the vote and was declared to be carried.


Councillor Mark Glover exercised his right of reply.  Thereafter the late amendment was put to the vote and was declared to be lost.


Following debate (Councillors Toby Eckersely and Paul Noblet), Councillor Nick Dolezal, seconded by Councillor Peter John, moved to the vote.  The procedure motion was put to the vote and was declared to be carried.


The substantive motion was put to the vote and was declared to be carried.




1.  That council assembly notes the publication of the coalition government's comprehensive spending review (CSR) today and the bigger than expected 28% cuts which will be made to the council’s budget as a result.


2.  That council assembly notes other announced changes with concern, including cuts of 60% to capital budgets for new housing and for rents for new council tenants to be increased to 80% of market value.  This would mean an average rent of £1,358 a month for a two-bedroom flat in SE1, not only will this be pricing young families out of the borough, but also creating an impediment to the housing moves needed for Southwark's regeneration projects.


3.  That council assembly does not believe that the cuts brought forward within the CSR needed to be so deep or so quick.  An alternative approach could have been adopted.


4.  That council assembly welcomes the commitment of the Southwark cabinet to making the budget process open and transparent and the budget principles which have been agreed.


5.  That council assembly calls on the cabinet to continue to make the case against the cuts with the government and coalition MPs, but to prepare a budget within the financial constraints imposed by the government in the interests of the residents of Southwark.


Note: This motion will be referred as a recommendation to the cabinet for consideration.

Supporting documents: