Agenda item

Deputation presentation

The chair to advise on any deputations or petitions received.


The community council heard the deputation from a spokesperson (on behalf of Alan Chadborn), regarding the lack of toilet facilities within Southwark.


The deputation reads as follows:


We the undersigned deplore the reduction in the availability of public toilets across London, and specifically in Southwark.


We bring to your attention the recent closure to the public of the toilets at Canada Water bus and tube station; we also regret the closure of toilets in ‘the Blue’.


We understand the problems of vandalism and anti-social behaviour, but ask you to consider initiatives taken by other boroughs.  We read that Richmond piloted a scheme whereby shop owners were offered an annual payment if they made a toilet available to the public (not only their own customers).


We urge you to take action for Rotherhithe and Southwark, but also raise it with London boroughs as a whole. This is of particular concern to the elderly, but affects the whole population. Absence of toilets tends to promote a hygiene problem in covert locations.


Members agreed with the deputation.  It was noted that the GLA Member for transport had been contacted about this to see if it were possible to contact  Transport for London (TfL) about the position concerning toilets in Southwark, particularly the one at Canada Water bus station.


Councillor Richard Livingstone stated the issue was not about renovating the toilets but the cost of maintaining and keeping them clean.  However the council are trying to find a solution to this.


A local resident asked about the toilets in ‘the Blue’, Southwark Park Road saying why the Council could not employ someone to man the facilities from 9 am to 5pm.  It appears that local shops are not keen for their toilets to be used for public use, because if an accident were to occur, they would be liable.  Instead libraries could be used or mobile toilets could be installed. 




That the deputation be noted.


A written response from the environment and housing department was circulated at the meeting and is attached to the minute book.