Agenda item

Community Announcements

  • Southwark Legal Advice Network


  • Safer Neighbourhoods Team




Southwark Legal Advice Network

Sally Causer, from the Southwark Legal Advice Network, informed residents of the independent advice services the network provided such as helping with debt issues and council tax issues.


Carter Street Campaign

Mr Leech announced that there was a petition against a development on Carter Street that participants could sign. The chair advised members that the application was due to be considered by the Walworth Community Council Planning meeting and members who would be taking a decision on the application should not express a view until they considered all the evidence and representations at the planning meeting.


Safer Neighbourhoods Team

Sgt Brown updated the meeting on the ward priorities for the community council area:


Faraday ward priorities

  1. Antisocial behaviour on the Gateway estate
  2. Antisocial behaviour on East Street
  3. Cycling on the pavement


Newington ward priorities

  1. Antisocial behaviour on the Brandon estate
  2. Antisocial behaviour at Pasley Park


East Walworth ward priorities

  1. Antisocial behaviour and nuisance caused by young people on Ivy Church Lane
  2. Antisocial behaviour and drug users