Agenda item

Public Question Time

Responses to questions raised at the previous meeting attached.


Please submit your written questions to the Neighbourhood Co-ordinator or Constitutional Officer.



The following public questions were submitted the chair advised that written responses would be provided at the next meeting:


How will the community be supported by the council in establishing a meaningful dialogue with Lend Lease?


How will the masterplan for the Elephant and Castle regeneration enhance the existing habitat?


What efforts will the council be making to ensure that the regeneration project is directly benefitting local residents in terms of training and job opportunities at all levels?


How are the council going to monitor the safety aspects for wardens and the public during the demolition and rebuilding of the Heygate estate?


How many training schemes places did Lend Lease have on their Olympic sites?


How many socially rented homes will Lend Lease be building at the Elephant?


When will the steering group for the Elephant Regeneration be convened?


The transport issues at the Aylesbury and Elephant and Castle will be addressed in the Southwark Transport Strategy which is about to begin public consultation. Can we be given the timetable for this consultation and can there be a discussion on this at the community council during the public consultation?


How can local communities access police reports on incidents in their neighbourhood? A the same location on Townsend Street there have been a mugging in 2009 and a serious assault in 2010. Did the police report identify any factor in the local environment which are in need of attention (e.g. lighting, debris, overgrowth, building design). How can this information be obtained?

Supporting documents: