Agenda item

Canada Water

Spotlight review and report on site visit


7.1  The Chair reported that he and the scrutiny officer had visited the Canada Water library and had received both an overview of the regeneration scheme and a tour of the library skeleton structure.


7.2  The Chair asked the project director, Tim Thompson, if the library was still on track to be delivered on time and to budget. The officer confirmed that it was. The library is due to be ‘toped out’ shortly and is become more de-risked. The ‘Value Engineering’ is half way towards being fully realised to reach the final  target of £1M.


7.3  Members enquired if the library would offer a suitable place to hold Council Assembly meetings once completed, following the Democracy Commission recommendations. Officer confirmed that the auditorium can hold up to 150 people and will be a good meeting space for both assembly and community council meetings.


7.4  Members enquired further about project risks and the project director explained that while there were no categorical guarantees the building has completed the substructure and there will shortly be an envelope in place which will substantially reduce the risks with winter shortly upon us. The risks are now different , but likely to be less serious, for example the officer reported that we are now have a number of trades people working simultaneously and it is possible for an error to impact on several people. The officer stated that they are managing this proactively.


7.5  The project director explained that they are using a traditional contractual arrangement which meant that they had more control over the quality but that this was slightly more financially risky. The alternative is a commercial design and build which reduces the financial risk but could impact on the quality of the building. These different contractual options are subject to ongoing consideration. The Chair encouraged officer to keep considering this and asked that the committee be kept informed of any changes.


7.6  Members enquired if the issue with the errors made in estimating the costs had been pursued with the quantity surveyors? The project director indicated that no decision had been made on this but they had not reached the statue of limitations yet.


7.7  The Chair indicated that he was particularly concerned with risks to services, as the Council could be looking at 33% cuts to local government grants.


7.8  The Head of Culture, Libraries, Learning and Leisure said that funds for new books had already been allocated and he was purchasing stock for the new library. The aim was to contain revenue costs by making extensive use of self service and some of the programme will be run by external organisations.


7.9  The Chaired summed up by noting the progress since the last meeting and commended officers. The importance of the library being delivered on time and too budget was emphasised.  The Chair noted the potential for community councils and council assembly meetings to be held in the building and requested officers ensure that this can be realised, particularly given the recent Democracy Commission draft report recommendations. He also noted the concern that the cuts will impact on the running costs of library.




The committee resolved to write to the cabinet lead to ask if partnerships with Learn Direct & Sure Start have been explored to reduce costs and to request the outline plan to cover the library’s operational costs, given the impending cuts.

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