Agenda item


Update and spotlight review of the Olympics


6.1  Paul Cowell; Events, Film and 2012 Manager and Adrian Whittle; Head of Culture, Libraries, Learning and Leisure presented the report circulated on the Olympics. Officers reported that the original pledges are currently being reviewed by the Cabinet to form a new Olympic vision for Southwark and this is expected to be the subject of a member decision. Officers stated that they  would appreciate feedback to review and inform the new vision.


6.2  The  Events, Film and 2012 Manager covered the  facts and figures detailed in the report and also explained the local and London 2012 governance structures.


6.3  The Head of Culture, Libraries, Learning and Leisure explained that two years ago Southwark Council launched 18 Olympic and Paralympic pledges to coincide with the handover from Beijing to London. Since the pledges were agreed, there have been significant changes within the Council and nationally. Some of the funding that had been anticipated will no longer be available. In addition to this some of the pledges have been fulfilled, such as the major commitment to investing in our leisure facilities. This has resulted in the need for the pledges to be overhauled and work is being undertaken in this area.


6.4  The Chair invited questions from committee members. A member commented that the pledges are very aspirational and the world has changed. It will be some time before we know what funds will be available. However members suggested that health outcomes should be prioritised alongside volunteering.  Members commented that the  new pledges will need to be both aspirational and achievable.


6.5  Another member commented that the focus should be on enterprise opportunities, schools programmes and events in Southwark.


6.6  A member drew officers’ attention to the problems of gangs and prostitution being associated with the delivery of the Olympics in host cites. She commented that it is critical that the police and the council work  together to  prevent the exploitation of women and gang activity.


6.7  Members asked if any Southwark venues will be used. Officers confirmed the Olympic marathon will go through the borough.


6.8  Cllr Blango commented that Southwark Community Games was inspired by the Olympics and he hoped there would be opportunities for linkages.


6.9  Members commented that the pledges are very broad and they would like to see more details and realistic outcomes within the timeframe. In particular members asked for information on what had been delivered already, what would be taken out and what would be fulfilled.  There was a request for action plans and details on how the community and partners will be involved in its delivery.


6.10   Officers responded that they are working on updated and detailed action plans and these will be based on he refreshed pledges. The Southwark NHS was involved in delivering parts of the programme, particularly those elements detailed in the related strategies: Southwark Physical Activity Strategy and Southwark Health Strategy.  Southwark Volunteer Centre is involved as an active partner in delivering the volunteering strand.


6.11  Southwark Community Games is also a key initiative, however half the funding comes from the Working Neighbourhood Fund.


6.12   Officers also reported that Surry Docks leisure centre refurbishment is completed, Camberwell Leisure Centre will open in January 2011,  Dulwich Leisure Centre phase one has been completed and phase two will be completed by March 2011.


6.13   Officers said that they will continue to support Southwark sports clubs to increase their capacity.  This will not be via grants, instead the emphasis will be on advice to improve their organisational management capacity and build on coaching.


6.14  Officers reported that the extensive "Building Schools for the Future" programme has been implemented. 42 % of schools are signed up to the  ‘Get Set’ programme.


6.15  The "Personal Best" programme is being delivered in partnership with Volunteer Centre Southwark and also involved Pecan employment. This builds on participants key skills.





The Chair summed up and requested that officers come back with an updated action plan with clear outcomes, based on resources that will now be available following the anticipated cuts to local government grants. The committee would like indicate what the Olympic legacy will be with key benefits indicated in concrete terms. In particular members would like to see the plans detail:


i)  How young people , for example school parties can attend the Olympics, particularly those who cannot afford tickets;

ii)  Aspirations in terms of health;

iii)  How will be the economic benefits be maximised , for example the East London line and tourism;

iv)  What are the volunteer plans , particularly in relation to skills;

v)  Links to Southwark Community Games.


It was agreed this item would come back to the committee in February.


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