Agenda item

Disclosure of Members' interests and dispensations

Members are asked to declare any interest or dispensation and the nature of that interest or dispensation which they may have in any of the items under consideration at this meeting.   


The following Councillors declared their interests at the meeting:


Councillor Andy Simmons declared a personal interest in respect of items 6.2 (10-AP-1803) and item 6.3 (10-AP-1834), Goose Green Primary School as a school governor at the School and therefore left the meeting when the items were being considered.


Councillor Jonathan Mitchell said he would be speak as a ward councillor for item 6.1 (10-AP-1738) representing those who were objecting to the application.


Councillor Helen Hayes sought legal advice concerning 6.1 and was advised that although she knows one of the consultees at number 80 Crawthew it does not constitute a prejudicial interest and therefore would preside over the meeting.