Agenda item

Late Motion: Police numbers in Southwark


Report:  See main agenda, pages 109-110


The guillotine having fallen, Councillors John Friary and Claire Hickson, formally moved and seconded the motion.


Councillors Wilma Nelson and Linda Manchester, formally moved and seconded Amendment J.  Amendment J was put to the vote and was declared to be lost.


The substantive motion was put to the vote and was declared to be carried.




1.  That council assembly notes the work of Southwark 1000 police campaign in its ongoing efforts to secure increased police numbers for the borough.  It notes the campaign’s cross party nature.


2.  That council assembly notes that the Metropolitan Police will not be protected from the government’s spending cuts.


3.  That council assembly notes that the Police Federation estimated on 10 September 2010 that the Metropolitan Police could be forced to axe 4000 police officers across London as a result of the cuts.


4.  That council assembly notes that, in contrast, to police cuts under the Tories and Liberal Democrats, the Metropolitan Police grew from 25,400 officers at the turn of the millennium to 31,000 this year, with a corresponding drop in crime.


5.  That council assembly believes that cuts in police officer numbers in Southwark will put local resident’s safety at risk.


6.  That council assembly therefore calls on all Southwark’s MPs to vote against police cuts.  It calls on Simon Hughes, the Deputy Leader of the Liberal Democrats, to campaign against cuts that will see officer numbers drop in Southwark.

Supporting documents: