Agenda item

Motion 3: Thames Water sewage tunnel


Report:  See main agenda, page 107


Following a variation in the order of business, the motion was considered prior to the guillotine having fallen.  The meeting had heard a deputation from King’s Stairs Gardens (see item 14).


In respect of a point of order from Councillor Peter John, the strategic director of communities, law and governance provided legal advice to members of the planning committee on predetermination if a similar issue should later appear at the planning committee.  Thereafter several members left the chamber for the duration of the debate and vote on the motion.


Councillor Wilma Nelson, seconded by Councillor Eliza Mann, moved the motion.


Councillor Catherine Bowman made a point of order, stating that the Liberal Democrat group would be in agreement to Amendment I with the following alteration:


  In the first line after “to date” insert “and will continue to make”


The mover and seconder of Amendment I, Councillors Barrie Hargrove and Fiona Colley, were supportive of the suggested change to Amendment I.  The meeting consented to the revision to Amendment I.  Thereafter revised Amendment I was moved and seconded.


Following debate (Councillors Anood Al-Samerai and Andy Simmons), legal advice was given on the use of council assembly procedure rule 1.13 (5) (right to require individual vote to be recorded).


Revised Amendment I was put to the vote and was declared to be carried.


The substantive motion was put to the vote and was declared to be carried.


In accordance with council assembly procedure rule 1.13 (5) the following members requested that their vote in favour of the revised amendment and substantive motion be recorded in the minutes: Councillors Kevin Ahern, Anood Al-Samerai, James Barber, Catherine Bowman, Michael Bukola, Denise Capstick, Poddy Clark, Fiona Colley, Patrick Diamond, Dora Dixon-Fyle, Toby Eckersley, Gavin Edwards, John Friary, Mark Gettleson, Stephen Govier, Renata Hamvas, Barrie Hargrove, Helen Hayes, David Hubber, Peter John, Lorraine Lauder, Richard Livingstone, Linda Manchester, Eliza Mann, Catherine McDonald, Tim McNally, Darren Merrill, Victoria Mills, Jonathan Mitchell, Michael Mitchell, Abdul Mohamed, Adele Morris, Helen Morrissey, Graham Neale, Wilma Nelson, David Noakes, Paul Noblet, the Right Revd Emmanuel Oyewole, Lisa Rajan, Lewis Robinson, Martin Seaton, Rosie Shimell, Tayo Situ, Andy Simmons, Cleo Soanes, Geoffrey Thornton, Veronica Ward and Ian Wingfield.




1.  That council assembly notes the proposal by Thames Water to close King’s Stairs gardens for seven years and the Alfred Salter playground, Druid Street, for two years for the construction of the new Thames Tunnel.


2.  That council assembly further notes that if the Thames Water proposals go ahead both sites will be used to construct massive permanent sewage ventilation towers with significant loss of local green space and residential amenity.


3.  That council assembly supports the Thames Tunnel scheme, but believes these two sites – which provide welcome recreational and green spaces in some of the most densely populated parts of the capital – are entirely inappropriate for the task of constructing a major infrastructure project.


4.  That council assembly supports the progress that the cabinet and community have made to date and will continue to make in finding less environmentally damaging alternative sites by lobbying Thames Water and calls on Simon Hughes MP to use his influence over ministers in government to find such alternative sites.


Note: This motion will be referred as a recommendation to the cabinet for consideration.