Agenda item

Work programme


10.1  In addition to items already scheduled, members agreed for the November meeting to include items on the Pharmacy Needs Assessment and an update on Southwark Circle. Concerns were raised however regarding the length of meetings and it was proposed that additional meetings be arranged to help ensure an earlier finish.


10.1  It was suggested that the review of Older Persons’ Services be started at an additional January meeting.







1.  That the 29 November 2010 meeting includes an item on the Pharmacy Needs Assessment, and an update on Southwark Circle.


2.  That the review of Older Peoples’ services start early in the new year, possibly at an additional January meeting.


3.  That the chair and vice-chair consider with scrutiny staff the feasibility of scheduling additional meetings; with the aim that meetings need not finish later than 10pm.



4.  That the PCT provides data on the percentage of Southwark residents who travel outside of the borough to receive acute treatment.




The meeting finished at 10:40pm.



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