Agenda item

Review of childhood obesity and sports provision for secondary and primary children


8.1 The committee reviewed the scoping document and agreed they would pursue the above topic over the next two meetings.


8.2 Members thought it would be good to look at obesity rates for individual schools. They asked  Pauline Armour , Assistant Director of 5-11 Services,  if schools varied the amount of sport being offered and if some specialised? The officer confirmed there was variation and specialist sports partnerships. Members commented that it would be interesting to understand how sports programmes impacted on weight.




Officers will provide:


a) A list of obesity rates for Southwark primary and secondary schools

b) A list of Southwark sports specialist schools


Comparisons will then be made.


Relevant Southwark education and public health officers will be asked to:


i)  provide a presentation on the topic

ii)   Seek out academic research on nutrition & physical activity and its impact on childhood obesity.



Supporting documents: