Agenda item

School Admissions report


7.1  Glen Garcia presented the report circulated. She explained that schools admissions is a complex process and the council makes information available both on the website and through publications. Some parents want face to face support, particularly if they have other complexities such as a child with special needs. One to one support is also often needed to help parents who do not get their first preference initially.


7.2  A member asked if parents can change their application preference? The officer confirmed that this can be changed up until the closing date.


7.3  Members commented that more information and promotion of the parental choice advisors would be good.


7.4  The officer explained that one of the issues is that council officers and teachers cannot give advice, only information. However the parental choice advisors can do this. This is to prevent any prejudicial or undue influence. This is less of an issue at secondary schools but can be a real issue at nursery level when children transfer to primary school.


7.5  This year the council did not circulate applications with initial information filled in as they want to increase online applications and reduce confusion. Last year people sometimes did two applications, both posting and submitting an online application. There was a request form a member for sufficient blank applications to be sent to schools.


7.6  Members emphasised the importance of clear advice so that parents can make realistic choices.  Officers explained that they have revamped the publications they produce to help parents and children’s with their school choices.




Members requested that they receive hard copies by post of Southwark’s:


i) Guide to starting secondary school

ii) Guide to starting primary school


Supporting documents: