Agenda item

Cabinet Questions with Cllr Catherine McDonald - Cabinet member for Children's Services


5.1  Cllr Catherine McDonald, cabinet member for Children’s Services, tabled written answers to questions 1 – 17. [These are attached] The Chair invited members to ask supplementary questions. A member queried why questions 19 to 23 had not received written answers and the cabinet member explained that the last few questions had come in after the deadline, but she would do her best to answer these during the course of the meeting. There were two other quires on questions and it became apparent that one question had gone astray and had not been put to Cllr McDonald, and question 18 had been submitted on time but had inadvertently not received a written answer.

5.2  Cllr Adele Morris asked a supplementary query to the written answer given to question 1 , commenting that 2 miles is a long distance for a child to travel to school and asked if there are any plans to facilitate transport and avoid the use of cars. The cabinet member for children’s services responded they are trying to reduce distances travelled and the 2 miles is the statutory limit but the council endeavours to meet the parent’s preference where possible. The council are also trying to make permanent the extra places to build on temporary arrangements.

5.3  Cllr Rosie Shimell asked a supplementary query on question 5 and asked the cabinet member how she felt Youth Community Council meetings are working in practice? The cabinet member commented that the young people participating are able and passionate and she had been impressed with their contribution.

5.4  Cllr David Hubber referred to question 4 and asked about the slight drop in numbers of children supported by Social Services following the Southwark Judgement. This was attributed to partly to work done to keep children with their families.

5.5  Cllr David Hubber referred to question 5 and asked if social services turnover was reducing? The strategic director for children’s services, Romi Bowen,  reflected that last year was a difficult year with Baby Peter. Southwark Council did have some vacancies that we could not fill so the Council approached New York. The council also paid extra money to keep people on the front line. We are now looking forward to reforms following the Social Work Task Force report and the current national review of child protection which the government has commissioned and which is being led by Prof Eileen Munro. These reforms should make social work more attractive.

5.6   Cllr Adele Morris commented that the recent Crystal Clear youth participation event had been well attended however she queried the appropriateness of a youth worker posing questions. Officers commented that it was difficult to comment with out knowing the details but youth workers do sometimes play an advocacy role.

5.7  Cllr Adele Morris commented, in relation to the answer given to question 7, that there had been a rise in the number of teenage conceptions. The Cabinet member agreed that had been a small jump but generally there is good progress. Cllr Adele Morris asked about the number of conceptions that lead to live births. The strategic director for children’s services commented that the abortion rate in Southwark is high and she can supply the figures to the committee.

5.8  Cllr David Hubber asked about plans for the Youth Offending Teams following on from the answer submitted to question 8. The Strategic Director commented that following a review the Council decided that the team should focus more on their enforcement and probationary role – in line with its statutory remit. The Youth Service has now picked up some of the other services formally offered by this team.

5.9  A member asked about the implementation of free school meals, following on from question 10. The cabinet member responded that the Council has invited schools to participate in a proof of concept to ensure the model works. The cabinet member was asked if she thought this would impact on positively on obesity levels. She responded that the provision of one nutritious meal a day was one of the reasons the programme was being implemented and other councils who have done this have increased take up.

5.10   A member commented that one of the issues preventing take up is that children do not like the food and will not eat healthy meals. There was a comment that this can be improved by growing food and improving cooking skills.

5.11  The cabinet member was asked about the cost implications and the cabinet member responded that they had elected on the manifesto which included the pledge. The administration is committed to ensuring every child has one nutritious meal and reducing obesity levels which cross social class.

5.12  A supplementary question was asked on question 11, requesting more details on the Councils response to obesity levels.  A member asked a specific question on engaging with parents to look at cooking. The cabinet member responded that a range of healthy eating courses are offered. There was a question on the number of fast food outlets near schools and the Cabinet member indicated that they are working with planning to refuse permission to fast food joints near schools.

5.13  Cllr David Hubber drew attention to the good practice in other boroughs in investing in volunteer mentors to support parents who are struggling with raising their families in challenging circumstances and referred to  question 13. The Chair asked if the Cabinet member would consider introducing this in Southwark? The cabinet member said in principle we could look into this. The Strategic Director said that Southwark does have Homestart which do this and the council does have a funding relationship with this organisation.

5.14  Cllr David Hubber referred to question 14 commenting that he and the Cabinet member recently attended a meeting of Southwark Anti-Homophobic Forum where the main topic was the need to tackle more effectively homophobic bullying in schools. Cllr Hubber commented that he got the impression that the teachers found this difficult and needed more support, particularly if the teachers were gay or lesbian themselves. Could the heads be given more assistance? There is a need for more support so teachers feel more comfortable and are able to be ‘out’, if they want to. And the same is true for pupils.  The cabinet member commented that they are looking at resources and assistance from Stonewall and that we do already have a good programme of PSHE education in schools.

5.15   A member asked about school results, referring to question 15, and asked how the vast improvements in the educational results, particularly GCSEs, in Southwark in the past eight years can be maintained and the upward trend continued? The cabinet member responded that schools will be looked at on a case by case basis and we will be working with teachers, heads and governors. We had 28 schools at floor level now there are 6. We will be promoting the ethos of aspiration so that all schools aspire to be outstanding. We also want to support teacher practice so class are delivered to a high standard and are engaging.

5.16  Cllr Cleo Soanes referred to question 17 and asked if Southwark schools are safe from Building Schools for the Future cuts? The cabinet member confirmed that they were.

5.17  Cllr Cleo Soanes referred to question 18 and asked if the cabinet member if she thought that making every council home warm dry and safe will have an impact on education. The cabinet member agreed that it would and highlighted the importance of home and a place to do homework.

5.18   Members asked if the cabinet member believed that the improvement in educational attainment in Southwark was directly related to increased investment under the Labour Government and are you concerned that cuts in education spending could damage attainment? She responds that she did envisage they would cause damage, and that her aim was to minimise the impact. They are awaiting details from central government. Some things will end and something’s the council will do differently. The council is engaged in a broad consultation and is speaking to Community Councils, the Youth Council and Speaker Box.

5.19  Concerns were raised about after school programmes and the possibility that schools might cut their extended schools programmes as a result of the cuts. The cabinet member responded that it was difficult to comment with out knowing the scale of the cuts and what will go; furthermore we do not know what the role of the authority will be. There was a query on the number of schools involved in the Olympic 2012 initiative. Officers responded that they would get back to members with this information.

5.20  Cllr The Right Revd Emmanuel Oyewole asked if we're encouraging the young people to get involve in criminality by not providing sufficient services and facilities for them. The Cabinet member responded that most young people are not involved in crime; we have a good youth service and diversionary activities.

5.21   Members referred to questions 22 and 23 and asked how Councillors are going out to meet/engage the young people in the Borough? The cabinet member referred to the recent Crystal Clear event, the youth council forums and assured members that they are using engagement to shape the services offered. The strategic director also referred to the 1000 stories collected last year, many of which have been published.

5.22  The Chair thanked the cabinet member for attending.


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