Agenda item

Feedback from call listen-in exercise


5.1  Members of the sub-committee were invited to give feedback on their experience of listening to the 50 random incoming calls to the call centre.


5.2  The key issues raised were as follows:


-  The flow of the calls was not very good because of the order in which call centre staff obtain information. Quite a lot of questions have to be asked before the customer is asked what their problem is.

-  In many instances the caller is held on the line for a long time with no indication of what is happening. In some instances the call centre staff were not very patient and polite with the customers.

-  The operatives in the call centre were sometimes continuing existing repairs under the “recall” procedures, on other occasions they were raising new jobs. This would impact on how things are recorded in the key performance indicators (KPIs).

-  There seemed to be little consistency in terms of jobs being raised, their level of urgency and whether the matter would be referred to the contractor.

-  There doesn’t seem to be a way to record contractor behaviour on the ground – self recording of outcomes by the contractor does not seem satisfactory.


5.3  The sub-committee discussed the fact that the calls had flagged up a number of problems and issues that need to be dealt with. It was agreed that this would be done by tracking a number of the cases to find out exactly what happened and how this was recorded and thus fed into the KPIs.




1.  That the case tracking exercise would be undertaken with 8 cases from the call centre listening exercise and 2 other cases.


2.  That the results of the case tracking exercise would be available for discussion at the next meeting of the sub-committee.