Agenda item

Housing investment programme and revised strategy

To agree issues relating to the housing investment programme.


This item had not been circulated 5 clear days in advance of the meeting.  The chair agreed to accept the item as urgent as all social landlords were required to meet the Government’s Decent Homes standard by December 2010.  Southwark did not meet this deadline and therefore urgently needed to develop and implement the 5 year investment programme to deliver the standard and satisfy external scrutiny.  The council needed to agree as soon as possible the programme and deadline for completion with the regulator, the Tenant Services Authority (TSA) to quickly satisfy them that the council will meet the government’s standard within an agreed revised time frame.




1.  That the Southwark Decent Homes Standard adopted on an interim basis in April 2008 be replaced with the Government’s Decent Homes standard.


2.  That approval be given to the start of work on schemes on the remaining two year programme of works on the basis that they are delivered to the new standard as set out in 1 above.


3.  That approval be given to a minimum housing investment programme of major works to the value of £326.5m over the next 5 years to ensure that the Council’s homes including those homes managed by Leathermarket Joint Management Board, are invested in to meet the Government’s Decent Homes Standard and make them warm, dry and safe.


4.  That the outcome of the consultation with residents on housing investment priorities which has taken place through the 2011 resident postal survey be noted.


5.  That the feedback from the Area Housing Forums, the Decent Homes Review Working Party, Tenant Council, and Home Owners Council in the light of the postal survey findings be noted.


6.  That the outcome of the bid for Government backlog funding and the potential for future funds for investment in the council’s housing stock be noted.


7.  That it be noted that any requirement for borrowing to support the housing investment programme would be an additional call on Housing Revenue Account resources and would be a matter that is reserved for Council Assembly to agree.


8.  That any additional funds that become available through Government backlog funding or any other sources, be used to bring forward schemes within the 5 year programme so that works can be carried out more quickly.


9.  That the sale of voids be maximised within agreed criteria on the disposal of void properties, and that the Hidden Homes programme be continued as set out in the ‘Review of Void Disposal Strategy’ report, item 4 of the agenda.


10.  That 6 estates (listed below) be designated as High Investment Needs Estates and be dealt with as follows:


·  Aylesbury Estate - no changes are currently suggested to the agreed proposals for the regeneration of the estate.

·  Elmington Estate - no changes are currently suggested to the agreed proposals for the regeneration of the estate.

·  Brandon Estate - approve the expenditure of investment works on the estate as part of the council’s housing investment programme.

·  Four Squares Estate - approve that security works are undertaken to Marden Square and Layard Square on the Four Squares estate up to a maximum value of £5m in total, as recommended by the Housing and Community Safety Scrutiny Sub-Committee to Cabinet on 17 May 2011, and that a further study is undertaken to examine options for investment in or regeneration for, the Four Squares as a whole, working closely in consultation with residents, and that a report is brought back to Cabinet in October 2011

·  Hawkstone Estate – approve that on the Hawkstone Estate, investment works are progressed for John Kennedy House, as previously agreed, but that option appraisal work is carried out for the low rise blocks on the estate, working closely in consultation with residents, and that a report is brought back to cabinet in October 2011.

·  Abbeyfield Estate – approve that a further report is brought back to cabinet in October 2011 to make a decision on whether to retain and refurbish Maydew House or dispose of it, taking into account the implications for Thaxted Court and Damory House.


11.  That the proposed 5 year programme for the council’s housing stock, as set out in Appendix 8 of the report be noted and officers be instructed  to undertake resident consultation on the programme during the summer and report back to Cabinet in the Autumn.


12.  That the strategic director of housing services make arrangements for the new head of major works to come back to cabinet with detailed proposals to develop and agree a 30 year housing asset management plan.


13.  That officers facilitate residents’ project groups for each of the high investment needs estates, where they are not currently in place, including an independent expert to help support residents in the development of future options for their estates.

Supporting documents: