Agenda item


i)  Cancer treatment centre (Guy’s and St Thomas’)


9.1  The chair referred to the trigger template from Guy’s and St Thomas’ (GSTT) regarding the proposal for a new cancer treatment centre and said that members could still submit comments or queries.


9.2  In response to members’ queries regarding the impact on patients treated at Kings College Hospital (KCH), the medical director responded that radiotherapy is not provided at Kings and that KCH and GSTT work together as a unit. She agreed to try to find out the percentage of the Southwark population that seek treatment out of the borough.


9.3  The chair explained that three further trigger templates would soon be sent to the sub-committee members and reserves and that the chair and vice-chair would first pre-screen these to identify any major concerns.





1.  That members are still invited to submit questions they might have regarding the proposed changes to the cancer treatment centre at GSTT.

2.  That the 3 further trigger templates received recently from KCH be circulated to all sub-committee members, following a brief assessment by the chair and vice-chair.


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