Agenda item

Key review: Equality Impact Assessments



8.1  The medical director highlighted some of the key changes proposed in the Equality Act 2010 consultation paper. These included increased transparency, - such as the increased availability of related data -; a focus on measuring results and demonstrating how changes will impact plans and outcomes; and the devolution of power away from a top-down approach.

8.2  The chair remarked that EIAs had been a recurrent theme throughout the meeting. He commented that the consultation paper seemed to emphasise a sense that public bodies do not always get EIAs and equality requirements right, but was of the view that losing some of the requirements could weaken the protection for vulnerable groups. He added that that the discussion of earlier items had demonstrated that the process is not always done well and that there should already be a focus on outcomes.

8.3  Harjinder Bhara, PCT lead on Equalities and Human Rights, agreed and commented that the boundaries to the current requirements and priorities are changing, partly in response to the poor use of process.

8.4  The medical director stated that with the current upheaval in the health service there are major risks that these things will not be tended to. The chair commented that he would like to hear that the PCT will continue to conduct EIAs. The medical director responded that in the very short term of the management savings to be achieved that there is a real concern regarding who will be available to carry out and oversee such work.

8.5  Members discussed how to take this review forward. In view of the November 10 deadline for the consultation responses, it was suggested that further meetings are arranged, and that Councillor Abdul Mohammed, Cabinet Member for Equalities and Community Engagement, be invited.




1.  That the PCT share with the sub-committee a copy of its final response to the Equality Act 2010 consultation paper.

2.  That the sub-committee prepares its own response to the Equality Act 2010 consultation paper; and arranges meetings to this end that are open to all sub-committee members, reserves and other council members (including the agreed meeting with the responsible cabinet member Abdul Mohamed).