Agenda item

Community Councils Highways and Lighting Capital Investment 2010-11

Executive Function


To consider the Community Councils Highways and Lighting Capital Investment 2010-11


Executive Function


In addition to this year’s £75,000 allocation for lighting, there was an under spend from 2009-10 of £51,958.62. This under spend was available for the community council to allocate this year.




  1. That the £126,958.62 of lighting funding be released to fund lighting schemes in the Walworth area at the levels estimated below


Stopford Road (Ward – Newington) - £6,000


Pelier Street (Ward – Newington) - £8,000


Delverton Road (Ward – Newington) - £8,000


Occupation Road (Ward – Newington) - £10,000


Blackwood Street (Ward – Faraday) - £10,000


Aronside Street (Ward – Faraday) - £12,000


Dartford Street (Ward – Faraday/Newington) - £14,000


East Street (Ward – Faraday) - £8,900


Walworth Place (Ward – Faraday) - £16,000


Cooks Road (Ward – Newington) - £34,000


  1. That the £100,000 allocation for highways surface improvements be used to complete the refurbishment works for East Street that will include footway replacement as outlined in the presentation to the Walworth community council on Wednesday 6 October 2010


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