Agenda item

Public Question Time

Responses to questions raised at the previous meeting attached.


Please submit you written questions to the Neighbourhood Co-ordinator or Constitutional Officer.



The following public questions were submitted the chair advised that written responses would be provided:



Why are the names of people asking public questions not minuted?


East Street Market


Why has the council put the market rates up when the market is failing to attract traders?


Parking Liverpool Grove

Why are parking tickets being issued by a smart car with a camera?


Car Parking Shop

What are the council’s plans for the parking shop?


Does Southwark Council support the closure of the parking shop? Why doesn’t the council take over the contract and retain the staff?



How does the council help those who are in debt?


Community Wardens

Can community wardens’ by asked to report broken street lights and paving stones?


Can community wardens be allowed to issue fines to flytippers?


War Memorial

Can a memorial be placed at or near the site of the wartime tragedy in Gurney Street (now under the Heygate) when an unexploded landmine blew up a year after being dropped in 1942?


Housing Repairs


Do you interview contractors on their competence to do the work required by tenants, i.e. is he a carpenter sent to do a plumbing job? Then do you get rid of contractors with consistently bad reports from tenants?


Do the council pay for contracts not complete?


Why isn’t there anybody from the council overseeing that the work has been carried out by contractors?


Can all Type 2 and Type 3 asbestos surveys for estates in Walworth be made available at future community council meetings?


Note: A resident questioned the response to the bus Lanes question submitted on 6 September 2010, and that the figure of 800 passengers was not accurate.


Note: some questions related to specific issues and have been forwarded to the housing repairs team to respond to directly.

Supporting documents: