Agenda item

Feedback from you say we listen


After the break some of the young people fedback some of the ideas discussed as part of ‘you say we listen.’ The following ideas and suggestions were raised.


East Street Market

  • the council should invest more in the regeneration of East Street Market so that the local community could feel proud of the market
  • young people should be given a level of responsibility in the market
  • the council should encourage young people to become traders and encourage young people to use their skills in a positive way, for example young people involved in drug dealing may have business skills which they could use as traders
  • a connection needs to be made between East Street and the Walworth Road, young people identified that it feels like to distinct places and there is no flow between the spaces, which need to be better connected.


Crime and the fear of crime

  • Participants highlighted that positive behaviour starts at home and there is a role for parents and guardians
  • There needs to be more things for young people to do
  • Activities that are available to young people need to be promoted through innovative means such as facebook
  • Young people also worry about crime and feel threatened


Employment opportunities

  • Schools could be used to bring people together to share ideas, e.g. a forum for young business students
  • The community should take responsibility for students who don’t enjoy study and identify the barriers to their learning


The chair stressed the importance that the council act on what young people had said at the meeting and invited Cllr McDonald, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services to respond to some of the ideas. Cllr McDonald identified some of the points she had picked up on whilst circulating the workshops which she would take forward:


  • The need to improve the reputation young people had in the media
  • Ensuring the right activities were provided for young people and that they were publicised in the right way, such as facebook
  • Young people should be involved in the community councils
  • Cllrs should engage with young people and go to them
  • Young people should be involved in the decision making process of services which affect them, it was planned to allow young people to make decisions on one fifth of the youth service budget


Cllr McDonald took questions from the floor relating to: the closure of Connexions in Peckham, the help available to young people in finding work once they had completed training and the number of apprentices the council employed.


Cllr McDonald explained that she was not aware of the closure of Connexions but would take more details and investigate the matter, that the council was involved in a match-up scheme and that she had set a challenge for local employers to recruit 100 apprentices in 100 days, the council currently employed 37 apprentices but hoped this would rise to 70 within the year.


The chair thanked all the young people for taking part in the youth themed element of the meeting and invited them to stay for the main items.