Agenda item

Film Presentation

Presentation of youth themed film


Beverley Parchment introduced a film presentation produced by members of the Walworth Youth Community Council which considered issues affecting young people in the Walworth area. The topics raised included: racism, underage drinking, anti social behaviour and lack of activities for young people.


In terms of solutions to these issues young people interviewed suggested advertising the activities and facilities available to young people through schools and providing more facilities for young people such as youth clubs. It was suggested that by making more activities available and promoting activities such as sports this could take young people away from hanging around the streets.


It was also suggested that local role models be used to speak to young people through schools and explain how they became successful in order to help young people realise what they can do.


Cllr Seaton was interviewed in the film and he stressed the importance of giving young people a voice in the decision making process of the council.