Agenda item

Development Control Items

6.1  10-AP-1606 – 81 Dovercourt Road, London SE22 8UW – Recommendation: Grant planning permission.







1.  That the determination of planning applications, or formal observations and comments, the instigation of enforcement action and the receipt of the reports on the agenda be considered.


2.  That the decisions made on the planning applications be subject to the conditions and/or made for the reasons in the report attached to the agenda.


3.  That where reasons for the decision or condition are not included in the report relating to an individual item, that they be clearly specified.


Item 6.1  (10-AP-1606) – 81 Dovercourt Road, London SE22 8UW


Report:see pages 16 to 27 of the agenda and addendum report pages 1 to 2



Erection of single-storey rear extension to dwellinghouse (Use Class C3).


The planning officer introduced the report, and circulated the site plans.


The committee heard representations from an objector who was opposing the application on grounds the materials and extension were out of character with the area – reducing daylight in neighbouring properties.


The applicant and the applicant’s agent were present to make representations outlining there were similar examples of these types of extension in the area.


The objector then referred to legislation which did not allow side extensions.


The planning officer advised members about certain legislation on side extensions which has permitted development rights that require properties within conservation areas to apply for planning permission for side extensions.


No supporters were present and no members spoke in their capacity as ward councillor.


Members further debated on this application before moving to a decision.





That planning application (10-AP-1606) be granted.






Supporting documents: