Agenda item

Housing Repairs Survey 2010


8.1  The sub-committee discusssed the draft suevey proposed by the chair as a way of comparing actual customer experience with the data collected through the performance indicators.


8.2  The focus of the survey will be to capture information which can be directly related to the performance indicators.


8.3  A number of changes were discussed to the wording of the questions in the survey and it was agreed that the sub-committee will take further advice on the formulation of the survey in order to

-  Ensure that it meets market research standards

-  Does not duplicate/confuse other survey work being done by the council

-  Is clear about which elements of housing repairs are included as some matters e.g. door entries and lift repairs do not ofrm part of this particular scrutiny exercise.


8.4  Housing Officers informed the sub-committee of some survey work being done by MORI. This will be ciculated to the sub-committee for information.



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