Agenda item

Methodology for tracking housing repairs cases


7.1  The sub-committee agreed that casework tracking would be a good way to gather facts about some of the underlying issues on repairs and the discrepancies between experience and indicatorrs.


7.2  There was a disucssion on the issues that should be covered in casework tracking, including:

-  Divergence of opinion between the contractor and the customer over whether a repair has been completed

-  The need to trqck individual complaints to individual contractors

-  The length of time/munber of calls needed overall for a single issue to be resolved to the satisfaction of the customer

-  The use of exisiting customer information and repair diagnosis by the call-centre and contractors

-  The value of including examples and information from the Homeowners Council and Tenants Council to inform the process.

-  Whether things go wrong because they are “not normal” requests, or if they go wrong more generally

-  The identification of issues which should be reflected in the performance indicators which are currently not


7.3  The sub-committee agreed that case information about complaints is very damaging to hte council and its reputation in addition to being unacceptable customer service. The focus of the casework exercise will be on looking at how to make the customer experience as good as it can be rather than focusing on what has gone wrong in the past.




1)  That each sub-committee member, including co-optees should submit casework examples to the chair. From these submissions the chair will select a number which can be followed through and end to end process.


2)  Following this exercise the sub-committee will discuss constructive proposals of changes to case handling for the future.