Agenda item

Presentation on Street Leaders from officers in environment & housing

StreetLeaders is an active citizen scheme focusing on reporting and helping to resolve local environmental issues.


There are currently two adult schemes, one focusing on housing estate issues and the other on the public realm.  The scheme currently has over 100 StreetLeaders and is looking to enrol new proactive StreetLeaders into the scheme who live or work in the borough. 



Dave Taylor, StreetLeader Co-ordinator was present to talk about the Street Leaders scheme and how residents could get involved. The Street Leaders programme is an active citizen scheme consisting of local volunteers focusing on reporting and helping to resolve local environmental issues.  For example, conducting visual audits, reporting issues to the council and removing graffiti. Dave explained that the scheme was initially launched in 2003 but has recently been revived to attract more volunteers to become street leaders.


There is also a junior street leader scheme which was piloted in 2004 which currently has 2000  street leaders across the borough.  The junior Street Leader also conduct visual audits and report to a senior Street Leader.


A local street leader who covers Burbage Road was present at the meeting to explain that she has been a street leader for four years.  Any concerns are run through the council via the website, email or phone she feels her role is an important one because residents feel they have a voice.


The kind of things that get reported are dead foxes, general street clean, issue with traders and signs that have gone missing.  As a result the street is cleaner, greener and safer.  The time spent on this is at least two hours a month depending on the number of people reporting


The Chair thanked the representatives for their presentation.