Agenda item

Transport Projects programme 2011 - 2012 (transport planning policy)



Summary of presentation


Barbara Selby, Head of Transport Planning explained the funding process would be much simpler than the previous local implementation plan (Lip) approved in 2006.  The Mayor’s Strategy would be a five year transport plan involving various local schemes being put forward for funding.  Transport for London (TfL) had provided an indicative sum (costing scheme) so there was no way of knowing what schemes will be funded.


Types of schemes which would receive funding are:


·  Simple infrastructure – to use in a more sustainable manner

·  Approve traffic flows

·  Improving journey times for buses and smarter travel (School Travel plan – school initiative)

·  Looking at data – i.e. collisions, improving accessibility for buses /cycling and identifying clusters or hotspots.


The schemes which have been identified as having priority are those roads with the highest number of collisions or improving school travel for children.  Other schemes will include:


·  Upgrading the existing Pelican crossings

·  Goose Green Primary School – improve bus stops and crossing within that locality

·  Paxton Green – improve pedestrian crossing facilities, review roundabout, reduce speed etc. (this scheme is going forward to TfL for next year

·  Electric vehicle points, cycle training (part of the Mayor for London’s hire scheme)

·  20mph zones, key walking routes and dropped kerbs near local shops.


Cllr Toby Eckersley stressed that high priority should be given to the extension of the 42 bus route which has been a long standing issue in the area.


Cllr Robin Crookshank Hilton asked if it were possible to install a bus terminus within the grounds of Dulwich Community Hospital.  Barbara Selby agreed to speak to the planning officers about this.





DCC asked for a written report back at the next community council on the funds allocated for 20mph zones in the DCC area.