Agenda item

Maydew House - Results from the Residents' Consultation

To consider recommendations relating to the long term future of Maydew House following the outcome of the resident consultation.


The following additional information was circulated on Maydew House prior to the meeting:


  • Update on programme of strategic safety work


  • Technical response to independent survey


  • Independent survey report by Mr A Tarling


The cabinet heard a detailed presentation from Barry McCullough and Jane Adamson (technical experts) in respect of Maydew House setting out an overview and location of the proposed work, detail relating to asbestos (location, type and action required) and the phasing and rehousing options. 


In addition to the deputation, cabinet also heard representations from residents at Maydew (with differing viewpoints), Councillor Columba Blango (ward councillor) and Simon Hughes MP.


At 9.15pm it was moved, seconded and


RESOLVED: That the meeting stand adjourned for 20 minutes


The meeting reconvened at 9.35pm





1.  That the findings from the consultation with the tenants and leaseholders of Maydew House be noted.


2.  That it be noted that residents will be required to move out of their properties regardless of whether Maydew House is sold or retained and refurbished due to the nature and extent of the work required which is necessary to ensure that Maydew House meets the decent homes standard.


3.  That the long term future of Maydew House be considered as part of the current review of the council’s decent homes investment strategy, which is due to report later this year, and to make any decision in full consultation with the residents of Maydew House. Such consultation to include consideration of the right of return for tenants.


4.  Without prejudicing the potential right of return as mentioned above, that the permanent re-housing of residents from Maydew House commence with immediate effect and in order to facilitate this, the special allocations scheme be applied in the council’s lettings policy as it relates to re-housing on regeneration and improvement schemes (including awarding secure tenants band 1 priority for re-housing) and the local variation to the council’s lettings policy as set out in paragraph 109 of the report be agreed.


5.  To provide qualifying displaced residents with home loss and disturbance payments, under relevant legislation.


6.  Todeduct any outstanding rent arrears (and in cases where a liability order has been obtained, outstanding council tax) from the home loss payment, in line with legal advice in paragraph 132 of the report, recognised good practice and sound financial management principles, with exceptions to this being considered each on their own merits by the strategic director of regeneration and neighbourhoods.


7.  That the new units currently being built at Montreal House in Canada Water be ring fenced to secure tenants being re-housed from Maydew House and the Heygate estate, if they wish. 


8.  That officers investigate the viability of extending the cash incentive scheme currently in place, from within existing budgets, to assist secure tenants of Maydew House who may be interested in a move into home ownership and to prepare a report with recommendations to the deputy leader and cabinet member for housing management to consider.


9.  That  the acquisition of all leasehold interests in Maydew House,  be funded from the housing investment programme and that the head of property be authorised to undertake the necessary negotiations.



The meeting ended at 9.55pm





Supporting documents: