Agenda item

Notification of any items of business which the mayor deems urgent


The Mayor announced that the following documents had been circulated:


  • Late deputation request from the Creation Trust on the Aylesbury Estate
  • Late motion and late amendment on the withdrawal of private finance initiative (PFI) funding for regenerating the Aylesbury Estate
  • Late motion – King’s Stairs Gardens site of importance for nature conservation (SINC) status.


At this juncture Councillor Nick Dolezal, seconded by Councillor Cleo Soanes, moved that under council assembly procedure rule 1.11 (m), the relevant rules be suspended in order that the late deputation request, late motions and late amendment could be considered.  The relevant rules are set out as follows:


·  Council assembly procedure rule 2.6(7) - Deadline for receipt of deputations

·  Council assembly procedure rule 2.9 (3 & 4) - Notice for motions and amendments to be delivered

·  Council assembly procedure rule 2.6(4) - Scope of deputations

·  Council assembly procedure rule 2.6(7) - Variation in the order of business to enable the deputation to be considered after public question time

·  Council assembly procedure rule 1.5(b) - Variation in the order of business in order to allow the motion to be considered after the late deputation.


The procedural motion was agreed.