Agenda item

Development Control Items

6.1  10-AP-0915 – 208 Barry Road, London SE22 0JS – Recommendation:

  Refuse permission.



6.2  10-AP-0773 – Dulwich Hamlet School, Dulwich Village, London SE21 7AL – Recommendation: Grant permission.




1.  That the determination of planning applications, or formal observations and

  comments, the instigation of enforcement action and the receipt of the reports   on the agenda be considered.


2.  That the decisions made on the planning applications be subject to the   conditions and/or made for the reasons set out in the attached reports and   draft decision notices unless otherwise stated.


3.  That where reasons for the decision or condition are not included in the report

  relating to an individual item, that they be clearly specified.



Item 6.1 (10-AP-0915)– 208 Barry Road, London SE22 0JS  (see pages 15 – 27)


Proposal:  Change of use from single residential dwelling (C3) to children’s   Montessori nursery (D1) including roof conversion with two dormer   window extensions to the rear and single storey rear extension to   ground floor.


Members were provided with additional information by the applicant in regard to this application which was already available online and therefore was not considered as new information.


The planning officer introduced the report, and circulated the site plans.  Officers directed Members to a recent appeal decision notice dated 9/7/10 at a property at 256 Upland Road, where the inspector considered the loss of residential accommodation together with the impact upon neighbours as unacceptable and the appeal was dismissed.


The committee heard representations from a spokesperson on behalf of the objectors who cited the following reasons for objecting:


·  Loss of residential accommodation, contrary to Council policy.


·  Traffic issues as the road was very busy and was a bus route, there were a high level of accidents along the road.


·  A number of properties overlook the application site and the current owners had allowed the site to become dilapidated.


·  There was limited parking available on street due to the disabled parking bays, raised junctions and yellow lines outside the property and along Goodrich Road.


The applicant was present to address the meeting stating that there was a real shortage of nursery places in the Dulwich area and had addressed the previous reasons for refusal by reducing the number of children and restricting the play space to the area at the side of the house, and reducing the side of the ground floor extension. 


The applicant also indicated that most parents/carers would not use private transport as the requirements of the green travel plan would lead to a warning and eventually the removal of the child from the nursery and that the spaces in such demand there would be more of an incentive to comply.




The objectors were given the opportunity to speak about a traffic accident that had taken place recently close to the application site. 


Cllr Jonathan Mitchell spoke as a local ward councillor in support of the application.


A supporter who lived within 100 metres of the site addressed the meeting.


Members further debated on this application before moving to a decision.




That planning application (10-AP-0915) be refused.


In accordance with Community council procedure rule 9 (3), Cllrs Helen Hayes and Andy Simmons requested that their abstentions be recorded in the minutes.



Item 6.2 (10-AP-0773)– Dulwich Hamlet School, Dulwich Village, London SE21 7AL  (see pages 28 – 38)


Proposal:  External canopy (approximately 70sq.m).  The proposed canopy is a   tensile structure and the main structural elements are 6 steel posts of   approx. 4.5m high.


The planning officer introduced the report, and circulated the site plans.  Members were advised of the objection received on the grounds of design and safety.


No objectors were present.


The applicant’s agent was present to respond to questions from Members.




That planning application (10-AP-0773) be granted with an amendment to

condition 3:


Alteration to Condition 3

The materials to be used in the implementation of this permission shall not be otherwise than as described and specified in the application and on the drawings hereby approved unless the prior written consent of the local planning authority has been obtained for any proposed change or variation.



In the interest of the appearance of the building and in accordance with Policies 3.12 'Quality in Design', 3.13 'Urban Design' and 3.16 'Conservation Areas' of the Southwark Plan (2007).












Supporting documents: