Agenda item

Motion 2: Labour's broken election pledge


Report:  See main agenda, pages 105-107


The clerk advised that motion 9.2 had been revised as paragraph 4(2) of the original motion had fallen. This was because it was very similar to the motion and amendment considered by council assembly at the July 2010 meeting. Council assembly procedure rule 1.9 states that motions to rescind a previous decision or similar to a motion previously rejected in the previous six months require a notice signed by at least 16 members. In accordance with rule 1.9(3) the notice must be received four clear working days in advance of the meeting. The notice was not received by the deadline, therefore that section of the motion fell.  The remaining parts of the motion could be debated.


The guillotine having fallen, Councillors Anood Al-Samerai and Paul Noblet, formally moved and seconded the revised motion.


Councillors Cleo Soanes and Gavin Edwards, formally moved and seconded Amendment H.  Amendment H was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


The substantive motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.




1.  That the title of the motion be deleted and the following title inserted:


“Labour’s record in office so far and the Liberal Democrats’ broken election promises.”


2.  That council assembly notes that since the elections in May Labour has, in line with its manifesto:


·  Signed a deal guaranteeing a minimum level of affordable housing at Elephant & Castle and made progress on the swimming pool and demolition of the shopping centre

·  Saved Nursery Row Park and Brayards Green in line with our commitment to value green spaces

·  Cut special responsibility allowances (SRAs) by the same amount that they were increased by the last administration

·  Put in place tough new restrictions on consultancy spending

·  Started a budget consultation as part of our commitment to open up the budgeting process

·  Made every fire risk assessment publicly available

·  Hired a new housing director for the new housing department

·  Started to pilot our dedicated line for social care queries

·  Extended CCTV coverage

·  Consulted on our new charter of rights for people who need social care

·  Worked with other boroughs to see what savings can be achieved through cooperative working.


3.  That council assembly notes that in the coming months Labour will, in line with its manifesto, at the very least:


·  Set out how we will make every home warm, dry and safe

·  Open two air quality monitoring stations

·  Launch the teen pregnancy commission

·  Publish news on the violent crime strategy

·  Continue to consult on the budget, in spite of the coalition government’s cuts.


4.  That council assembly notes that in contrast to this record of achievement, the last Liberal Democrat council administration left office with at least 50 of its election pledges unfulfilled.


5.  That council assembly further notes the Liberal Democrats significant broken manifesto promises since entering a coalition government with the Tories, not least on:


·  the scale and speed of spending cuts

·  the hike in the level of VAT

·  the hike in tuition fees, which every Liberal Democrat MP pledged to oppose.


6.  That council assembly calls on the cabinet to continue to meet its election obligations, despite the Tory/Liberal Democrat cuts.


Note: This motion will be referred as a recommendation to the cabinet for consideration.