Agenda item


To consider the comments of the primary care trust in respect of the mission and commitments of the new administration.




1.  That the mission and commitments of the new administration as set out in ‘A Fairer Future for All in Southwark’ cabinet report 15 June 2010 be noted.


2.  That the PCT recognises that the implementation of some of the commitments will be challenging in a time of financial restraint, however it also notes that many of the commitments will impact positively on the health of Southwark’s population.


3.  That it be noted that while there have been significant improvements in the overall health of the population of Southwark as shown by improved life expectancy, there are still considerable inequalities in health experience between different parts of the borough.  In particular those living in the more deprived areas of the borough are more likely to become ill and die earlier.  These inequalities relate not so much to health care access but to a complex mix of social, educational, economic and environmental conditions experienced by people living in Southwark.


4.  That the evident commitment of the new administration to health issues is welcomed alongside the opportunities presented by the Council mission and commitments to collaborate with council colleagues and others to develop work that will contribute to health improvement.  In the context of a recession with a decline in public spending it will be important to ensure that we work together as best as possible to ensure that health is protected.

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