Agenda item

Community Announcements

The chair to advise of any community announcements.


  • Safer Neighbourhoods Team Update
  • Burgess Park
  • Street Leaders
  • Chair’s update


The Chair made the following community announcements:


Safer Neighbourhoods Team


Faraday ward priorities

1)  Antisocial behaviour on the Gateway Estate – focusing on late weekend patrols and youth engagement

2)  Antisocial behaviour on East Street – extended drug warrant arrest for drug supply and troublesome premises closed

3)  Cycling on pavements – enforcement initiative, numerous penalty notices issues


East Walworth ward priorities

1)  Antisocial behaviour at Dormstone House – executed a search warrant, disruption of offenders by high visibility patrols and stops

2)  Antisocial behaviour at Ivy Church Lane – joint partnership approach with mediations service, housing officers and Southwark antisocial behaviour unit and members of the Somalian community

3)  Antisocial behaviour on the Heygate estate – estimated 18 residents, targeted patrols to vulnerable areas and all insecure premises secured


Newington ward priorities

1)  Drug issues/antisocial behaviour on the Newington estate – enforcement patrols with the antisocial behaviour unit, dog awareness event to raise awareness of dangerous dogs where 15 dogs were micro chipped free of charge

2)  Drug issues/antisocial behaviour on the Brandon estate – four youths signed up to antisocial behaviour contracts and given curfews, one arrest for drug offence and three seizures of drugs

3)  Traffic speeding issues – four speed gun operations and one automatic number plate reading operation


Burgess Park

John McHenry, Public Realm, updated the meeting on the Burgess Park revitalisation project and directed participants to look at the display.


Street Leaders

Dave Taylor, Sustainable Services Officer, explained what the Street Leaders programme was and how residents could get involved. Street Leaders were local volunteers who helped the council tackle environmental issues in the borough by, for example, conducting visual audits, reporting issues to the council and removing graffiti. He invited residents to speak to him about signing up to take part in the scheme.


Violent Crime Consultation

The chair advised meeting participants that the Safer Southwark Partnership had produced a consultation on violent crime which was available for people to complete. The results would form a key part of the partnership’s strategy.


Transforming Southwark’s NHS

Rosemary Watts, from patient experience, informed residents that there would be a meeting on how NHS Southwark are taking plans forward following last year’s consultation on Transforming Southwark’s NHS. The meeting was scheduled for 9 October and Rosemary invited residents to contact her if they wished to attend.



The chair notified the meeting that he had been advised of a petition submitted to the Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Corporate Strategy requesting a swimming pool at the new Elephant and Castle Leisure Centre.


Cooltan Arts

The chair announced that Cooltan Arts were organising a sponsored walk on 9 October to celebrate World Mental Health Day.