Agenda item

Notification of any items of business which the mayor deems urgent


The Mayor agreed to accept the following report as late and urgent for the reasons set out within the report:


  • Constitutional issues arising from the Southwark Democracy Commission – Recording at council assembly meetings.


The Mayor announced that he intended to vary the order of business in line with the new procedure rules agreed by 1 December 2011 meeting so that motions would be considered before cabinet and officer reports.


At this juncture Councillor Nick Dolezal, seconded by Councillor Catherine Bowman, moved that under council assembly procedure rule 1.11 (m), the relevant rule be suspended in order that the order of business could be varied to allow the deputation on Tribute to Heroes to be considered first, followed by Motion 3 on the same subject and then the deputation on the educational maintenance allowance, followed by Motion 1 on the same subject.  The relevant rule is set out as follows:


·  Council assembly procedure rule 1.5(b) - Variation in the order of business in order to allow the relevant motions to be considered after the deputations on the same subjects.


The procedural motion was agreed.