Agenda item

Proposed service variations

Proposed variations to vascular surgery services - King's Health Partners


7.1  The NHS Southwark medical director referred to the trigger template on proposed changes to vascular surgery services at King’s Health Partners (KHP). She commented that this is an example of the type of service change notification that the sub-committee is likely to receive more often. She explained that currently both Guy’s and St Thomas’ hospitals (GSTT) and King’s College Hospital (KCH) provide vascular surgery services and that the proposal is to concentrate these on one site. This would achieve savings and patient benefits, as the combined volume of treatments would increase associated learning for the consultants. She clarified that the template provides a broad outline of the proposed changes and that the sub-committee was being asked whether it agrees.


7.2  Members discussed the proposals and whether to request further information. It was felt that the changes do not amount to a substantial variation, partly due to the numbers of patients involved, and as this type of surgery is not similar to ongoing treatments that require patients to attend regular appointments. 


7.3  Members also commented that there seemed to be no specific reason to challenge the proposals, but that it would be of interest to know whether doctors with the necessary expertise would still be based at the King’s site, should emergency surgery be necessary. It was agreed that this query be raised with KCH.





1.  That a response be sent to KHP stating that the sub-committee is broadly in agreement with the proposed process, including the plan not to undertake formal consultation; and


2.  That KHP be requested to clarify, however, whether staff with the requisite expertise will still be based at the King’s site, in order to carry out emergency vascular surgery.

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