Agenda item

Work programming and scoping


7.1  The commitee will continue with a review of Canada Water. A visit will take place over the summer with follow up at October committee meeting – this will look at the wider issues including resource implications, use of library and wider use of community spaces; including the plaza.


7.2  Employment and Enterprise strategy and delivery plans will return to the committee and partners will be asked to present on progress. , with particular reference to outcomes (both achieved and anticipated) for Camberwell, Peckham and Walworth. This will be sceduled for the February meeting.


7.3  There will be an update and spotlight review of Olympics in October .


7.4  There will be a question and answer session with Cllr Ward, Cabinet member for culture, leisure, sport and the Olympics in October.


7.5  Update and review of Aylesbury Regeneration Scheme in November.


7.6  The Chiar requested that a report be presented detailing regeneration funding spent locally over the last 5 years , including funds generated by Section 106  and  grants made available under ‘Cleaner, Greener , Safer’, with mapping to assess where money has been spent by Community Council area , with particular reference to considering how this money has impacted on employment and enterprise. This will be presented at the November meeting.


7.1  There will an update and  review of ‘Town Centre strategies’ ; with particular reference to Camberwell, Peckham and Walworth in Febuary.

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