Agenda item

Work programming and scoping


6.1  The sub-committee discussed possible topics for the work programme for the year. Councillor Edwards explained that the topics selected would need to be agreed at the next meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee


6.2  In order to be realistic about what can be achieved in the time available, it was agreed that the sub-committee would look at one major housing issue this year in depth, and have one other housing issue agreed to take forward if there is time. In addition the sub-committee would scrutinise one community safety issue.


6.3  Following discussion, it was agreed that the main scrutiny topic would be Performance Management of the Housing Repairs Service.


6.4  The main issues to be included in the terms of reference for the review are:

-  Why the performance management figures do not reflect the experience of people in the borough

-  The effectiveness of the call centre and quality of information they are using to generate repair orders

-  Why there are so many complaints which are upheld

-  Benchmarking and looking at comparative practice in other boroughs

-  Whether the performance indicators are the most appropriate ones to use

-  How performance data is being gathered and whether this could be done differently/more effectively


6.5  It was agreed that Councillor Edwards would prepare a draft scoping document for the review which would be circulated to members of the sub-committee for their comments.


6.6  Following a wide ranging discussion on the other topics that the sub-committee would look at, it was agreed that the additional topics to be put forward to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee would be Housing Under-Occupancy and CCTV. Detailed terms of reference for these topics would be developed at a later date.


6.7  The sub-committee discussed how to make best use of the limited meeting time available to undertake the review. It was agreed that when there is to be an evidence session questions should be agreed in advance either through a pre-meeting or via e-mail.


6.8  In order for the scrutiny to be effective, it was agreed that background papers and documents would need to be circulated between meetings.


6.9  The sub-committee agreed to hold an additional meeting in early September to make progress on the Performance Management of Housing Repairs review







The meeting ended at 9.10pm


Supporting documents: