Agenda item

Work programming and scoping


6.1  The Chair circulated an article on parenting support which discussed the success of a volunteer programme. This addressed child protection issues through the use of volunteers who mentored struggling parents. ( 3 June 2010 Local Government Chronicle pg 16 – 17)


6.2   It was suggested that sports provision was chosen as a review topic and this be linked to childhood obesity.


6.3  There was a query on the School admission criteria and whether it was part of the committee’s remit to address this, particularly in relation to academies.


6.4  Jane Bailey commented the admissions process for primary school places is locally administered, and no primary schools are academies. The committee might like to consider if the issues are how schools administer their published admission criteria or the Local Authorities wider role in admissions.


6.5  Cllr Adele Morris pointed out there is a local Admissions Forum. It was agreed they are best placed to look at particular issues raised by individual schools application and administration of their published admission criteria.


6.6  Members commented that it would be worthwhile to understand the new Coalition governments plans for ‘new style’ Academies, particularly the composition of the governing bodies and the role of parent representatives.


6.7  The Chair reported to members that he had recently attended an event put on by parents of children with autism and queried if there was sufficient support for parents with children with disabilities. The committee agreed that looking at parenting support as a theme would be very worthwhile.


6.8  The parent governor and head teacher representatives on the committee commented that last spring the previous committee had produced a report on the importance of parental involvement in children’s educations. The conclusions emphasised the importance of enabling parents to have the skills, knowledge and confidence to help their children. It was requested this be circulated.


6.9  Colin Elliott spoke about the number of dangerous dog attacks. There was some debate on the right place for this and whether it might be better picked up by the scrutiny committee who deals with community safety.  It was agreed that some facts and figures would be requested for the next meeting.


6.10  There was a query on the Local Authorities role and influence on schools admissions criteria, with specific reference to Kingsdale.


6.11  Jane Bailey explained that, while she could not go into details on individual schools, there are principles and rules that all schools must follow. There is an admission Code of Practice and schools also have to adhere to their published admission criteria. Furthermore schools are open to challenge.


6.12  A member commented that different schools have different admission criteria. It was noted that schools can vary there criteria as long as it conforms to the Code of Practice.


6.13  It was noted that the Admission Forum have oversight of this process. Members requested more information on the role of this body.


6.14  Members raised concerns about the complexity and ability of parents to negotiate the schools application process .It was suggested this was picked up under the review on parenting support.


6.15  Members noted the difficulties parents had understanding the ‘distance to school’ criteria. It was also noted that parents frequently do not understand they have some rights to defer places offered in September. This can sometimes be better for nursery school age children.


6.16  Members commented that the process is confusing and support is needed. When applying for school places parents have to be realistic about places they put their children down for. Even parents with a lot of information can find the process stressful so it is particularly important to ensure all parents have the right information to make the best choices for their children and minimise the difficulties involved.


6.17  A member requested more information on youth commissioning, and it was agreed that this could probably be dealt with under ‘Cabinet questions’ at the next meeting.





It was agreed the committee would conduct the following reviews over the next administrative year:


1.  Review of childhood obesity and sports provision for secondary and primary children

2.  Review of parenting support:


i)  First part : School admissions – with focus on reviewing clarity of information available alongside reviewing support networks to help parents negotiate the system

 ii)  Second part: volunteer and peer support, with particular attention paid to support available for parents of disabled children


Scoping documents will be circulated to the committee for the above reviews.


Reports will be requested on:


a) School admissions process and support for parents. This will contain an explanation of the government’s guidance on schools admission criteria, the local authority’s role in coordinating school admissions and the role of the Admissions Board. An overview of support for parents will also be requested.



b) The governments ‘new style’ academies. In particular the governing arrangements; composition of governing boards and number of parent representatives alongside an indication of the number of Southwark schools who are considering changing their status.


c) The number of dangerous dogs attacks in Southwark. Suzanne White will be contacted for facts and figures.


 It was agreed that lasts years “Parenting engagement’ report will be circulated.



Supporting documents: