Agenda item

Appointment of vice-chair

To appoint the vice-chair of the sub-committee for 2010/11.


Nomination received: Councillor Linda Manchester.


4.1  It was agreed that as the sub-committee would be considering issues of direct relevance to the residents of the borough, it would be appropriate to co-opt a member of the Tenants’ Council and the Homeowners’ Council to join the sub-committee.


4.2  It was clarified that co-opted committee members do not have a vote at the sub-committee and would be asked to leave the meeting in the event that the sub-committee needed to discuss any matter in closed session.


4.3  It was agreed that the Chair would write to the Tenants’ Council and Homeowners’ Council, inviting each to nominate a representative to the sub-committee.




That Councillor Linda Manchester be appointed vice-chair of the sub-committee for the remainder of the municipal year.