Agenda item

Constitutional changes


Report:  See main agenda pages 9-17


In accordance with council assembly procedure rule 2.10(2) the Mayor formally moved the recommendations contained in the report.


Councillor Toby Eckersley, seconded by Councillor Lewis Robinson, moved Amendment A.


Following debate (Councillor Richard Livingstone), Amendment A was put to the vote and declared to be carried.


The substantive motion was put to the vote and declared to be carried.




That the following constitutional changes be agreed:


Budget and policy framework


1.  That the current position as set out in points 1 to 6, 8 and 10 of the table in paragraph 15 of the report relating to the budget and policy framework be noted.


2.  That in relation to points 7 and 9 of the table in paragraph 15 of the report, the constitutional and procedural changes drafted in consultation with the cabinet member for finance and resources as set out in paragraphs 20 to 24 of the report be agreed, subject to the following amendment in paragraph 20 at the end of new Part 3A clause 8 add:


“and the approval of virements over £10,000,000 between capital projects or programme headings as set out in the overall programme.”


and that the wording of new Part 3C clause 9, and the financial standing orders be changed accordingly.


Article 7 – Regulatory and other committees - Clarification of the constitution


3.  That Article 7 – Regulatory and other committees – be amended to provide clarification of the role of the annual meeting in establishing committees.  The amendment is shown as a strikethrough below:


Article 7 – Regulatory and other committees


7.1 Regulatory and other committees


The council will appoint committees to undertake non-executive functions.  Council assembly will delegate powers to these committees to discharge their relevant functions.


The council assembly shall establish the following committees:


Appointments committee

Audit and governance committee

Corporate parenting committee

Disciplinary appeals committee

Licensing committee

Overview and scrutiny committee

Planning committee

Standards committee.


7.2 Key tasks of chairs of regulatory and other committees


Chairs of the authority’s committees will take specific responsibility for the development of that committee’s work plan and represent the service or function of the committee within and outside the authority as necessary to enable it to deliver its objectives consistently to corporate standards.


Reclassifying sections of the constitution as schemes


4.  That the councillor call for action and the community council protocols be reclassified as schemes. 


5.  That the schemes in resolution 4 above together with others schemes including the publications schemes be held on the Library pages on the council’s website as part of the constitutional framework.  The petitions scheme is already held here.


Consequential changes


6.  That officers be authorised to undertake any consequential and cross referencing changes arising from changes to the constitution.

Supporting documents: