Agenda item

Veolia - Recycling consultation

A representative from Veolia, the council’s recycling contractor to update the meeting on recycling in Southwark and to take questions


Ian McGeough, outreach officer from Veolia Environmental Services gave an update about recycling in the borough.  He gave an overview on how waste and recycling has risen almost reaching the target rate for the borough.


He informed the meeting about further improvements being made to the recycling service:


Ø  Recycling bins were now mixed (smaller and slim-line) meaning that all recyclable materials could be put in together. This replaces the large black containers – information about this will be circulated to residents shortly. 


Ø  There is also a ‘clear bag scheme’ for residents which means you would now receive regular rolls of the bags which accepts more materials.


Ø  The blue box and bag scheme however, remains unchanged. The council could only recycle those materials for which there was a market.  All other materials were taken to landfills or turned into energy from waste plants.


Residents asked questions about the recyclability of certain materials. Ian advised  that the following materials were among those that are now recyclable:


·  detachable container lids

·  envelopes with windows

·  cardboard (without cello tape)

·  batteries – can now be taken to local libraries and shops

·  foil wrapper which stays scrunched is recyclable

·  house hold products in bathroom are recyclable.


Items which are not included:


·  jiffy bags

·  any packaging with food waste on it (including baking foil with a lot of oil or other residue on it)

·  laminated paper

·  tetra /juice cartons (these were, however, recyclable at five locations across the borough which were not managed by the council, the closest being Sainsbury’s car park at Dog Kennel Hill).


Following on from questions by Members and residents, Ian explained:


Ø  New recycling symbols are being introduced on containers particularly food packages.


Ø  A campaign will be implemented to keep paint out of landfill – to arrange and remove old paint pots – ring the department call centre (020 7525 5000) to arrange removal.


Ø  The Old Kent Road (recycling) site is due to open shortly and there are on going discussions about whether to keep Manor Place open especially if people find it difficult to get the Old Kent Rd site.


Ø  Hope that the food waste service will be operational within the next year or so.


The officer agreed to come back at a later date to give further updates.