Agenda item


The Chair to advise on any deputations received.


Deputation requests received –  concerning Traffic and Parking issues along Red Post Hill


Late deputation request – concerning a new crossing at Paxton Green roundabout




The community council heard the deputation from spokesperson, Halina Ward  representing residents of Casino Estate on Red Post Hill to address issues of excessive traffic noise and vibration in the upper part of Red Post Hill.


The spokesperson outlined:


Since the introduction of speed humps as part of the implementation of the 20mph zone there are a number of the traffic calming features situated on Red Post Hill between its junctions with Sunray Avenue and Herne Hill that had been incorrectly positioned. 


Members heard that simply moving the relevant traffic calming features to their correct positions in those cases where these were clear would not address residents’ concerns to minimise nuisance from noise and vibration whilst achieving overall safety objectives.


The deputation highlighted the following proposals:


1.  To ask officers to ensure that, contrary to a report in a local newspaper, 

none of the incorrectly positioned traffic calming features in Red Post Hill would be moved before the next Dulwich Community Council (DCC) in November 2010, so as to allow time for residents to discuss possible alternative approaches to the current arrangements and for necessary data collection on the impacts and effectiveness of the existing traffic calming features to take place.


2.  To receive advice, including insights from residents’ own consultations on alternative means of securing effective respect for a 20mph speed limit and for integrating consideration of measures to deal with congestion in the upper part of Red Post Hill (currently under consultation with frontagers and due for report at the next DCC in November) with those to deal with speeding problems.


3.  To request officers to install noise and vibration monitoring equipment in homes adjacent to speed cushions and the raised pedestrian crossing, where requested and/or consented to by residents, so as to clarify noise and vibration levels  and to share results with affected residents in a timely manner prior to the next DCC Council so that resident discussion of alternatives could be informed by the data.


4.  To request officers to share with Dulwich C Members and with residents existing traffic survey data relating to the part of Red Post Hill between the junction of Sunray Avenue and Herne Hill, including any baseline(s) of traffic volumes, types, and speeds prior to the implementation of the North Dulwich 20mph zone.


5.  To order a post traffic calming? survey of speeds, volumes and types of traffic in that same area of Red Post Hill.


6.  Request that the data should be disaggregated for different times of the day and night so as to account for Red Post Hill’s intermittent congestion problems, and ask officers to carry out the survey with all possible haste so as to allow for proper consideration of the findings in advance of the November Community Council meeting.


7.  To write to TfL (Transport for London)  to ask that they clarify the timetable for removing double-deckers from the 42 bus route. Also reinstate single-deckers and consider issues raised by the deputation presented at community council on 16 Sep 2010 to the next meeting in Nov 2010.


Following the completion by officers of the post-20mph zone speed

and traffic volume survey in the part of Red Post Hill between Sunray

Avenue and Herne Hill, the deputation requests that the Chair of Dulwich community council undertake the following:


a)   write to TfL to ask drivers on the P4 and 42 bus

routes to respect the 20mph speed limit in the North Dulwich 20mph

zone, and


b)   request Village Safer Neighbourhood Team to carry out speed-gun

spot-checks on speeding cars in the relevant part of Red Post Hill.





DCC requested a report back from Officers at the next community council in regard to all of the options given above.






Supporting documents: