Browse meetings

Planning Committee (Major Applications) B

This page lists the meetings for Planning Committee (Major Applications) B.


Information about Planning Committee (Major Applications) B

Meetings will be accessible online.  Please email for details, or check the meeting page via “Browse meetings and agendas for this committee” link above.


For agendas and minutes of the Planning Committee prior to May 2023, please click the following link:


Role and functions of Planning Committees (Major Applications)


1.  To comment on local development framework documents in respect of all significant planning matters and make recommendations to the cabinet.


2.  To consider the future process by which the decisions with respect to planning applications are to be taken.


3.  To consider and determine all the following applications:


·  strategic and major planning applications (as defined in the matters reserved to the committee)


·  designation of conservation areas including the adoption of conservation area character appraisals and detailed design guidance


·  any other planning responsibilities of the authority created by statute (and delegated to the committee).


4.  It is the responsibility of the planning committees (major applications)to consider strategic and major planning applications and other matters reserved as defined in the constitution.


5.  Where appropriate to hear and consider the case for the applicant either by way of written or oral representation and consider objections and representations to the application from authorised persons and interested parties or their designated representatives.


6.  To consider expenditure of section 106 monies.


7.  To comment on national and regional consultation documents proposing significant changes to strategic planning policies and make recommendations to the cabinet.


Matters reserved for decision by the Planning Committees (Major Applications)


1.  Consideration of the following categories of planning applications (including listed building consent, conservation area consent and advertising consent),  where the development proposed involves the creation of 50 or more housing units or more than 3,500m2 of commercial floor space or a mixed use development with more than 3,500m2 of floor space, including applications for change of use, or the application is clearly linked to another application which is to be considered by one of the planning committees (major applications):


a.  those which are significantly contrary to the provisions of the local development framework approved by the council for the purpose of development control, and which are recommended for approval.


b.  those which are controversial, i.e. subject to 5 or more relevant objections (a “relevant objection” is defined as any objection except an objection which clearly does not raise any material planning considerations) or raise a major issue of a planning nature except:


  i.  where in the opinion of the appropriate chief officer the objection can be overcome by the imposition of an appropriate condition, or

  ii.  where the application clearly complies with the relevant planning policies, in which case the decision may be taken by officers, or

  iii.  where the application is a straightforward refusal.


c.  those requested by two councillors to be determined by elected members, subject to the request being agreed by the chair of the planning committees (major applications) in consultation with the appropriate chief officer.


d.  applications for the council’s own developments which are controversial, i.e. subject to 5 or more relevant objections (a “relevant objection” is defined as any objection except an objection which clearly does not raise any material planning considerations).


e.  those involving legal agreements, other than those in accordance with policy requirements, e.g. affordable housing, highway improvements, environmental work and other works required as part of a development proposal.


2.  To consider the expenditure of funds over £100,000 of strategic importance secured through legal agreements under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, or any previous legislation.


3.  The designation of conservation areas including the adoption of conservation area character appraisals and detailed design guidance, and authorisations under article 4 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015.


4.  To consider and determine all planning applications of strategic importance in the borough, including:


a.  applications which require referral to the Mayor of London


b.  applications which are required to be notified to the Secretary of State as departures from the development plan document (including the unitary development plan)


c.  applications where the submission of an environmental impact assessment is required by regulation or following a screening application


d.  applications for the development of metropolitan open land


e.  applications for the development of contaminated land


f.  specific applications not covered by the above but determined as strategic by the appropriate chief officer.


5.  To comment on drafts of the local development framework during their consultation periods and make recommendations to the cabinet, as appropriate.


6.  To comment on draft supplementary planning documents during their consultation periods and make recommendations to the cabinet, as appropriate.


7.  To report to the cabinet on matters relating to the implementation of planning policy.


8.  To comment on national and regional consultation documents proposing significant changes to strategic planning policies (e.g. London Plan, Cross River Tram) and make recommendations on the council’s response to the cabinet, as appropriate.


9.  To consider planning enforcement cases where the appropriate chief officer decides that the matter is of a strategic or controversial nature and should be referred to the committee to consider and determine the taking of enforcement steps.


Planning committee (major applications)meetings take place in the council offices at 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QH unless indicated otherwise.