Browse meetings

Standards Committee

This page lists the meetings for Standards Committee.


Information about Standards Committee

The purpose of the committee is:


1.  To promote and maintain high standards of conduct by councillors, co-opted members and church and parent governor representatives.


2.  To assist councillors, co-opted members and church and parent governor representatives to observe the members’ code of conduct.


3.  To advise the council on the adoption or revision of the members’ code of conduct, the member and officer protocol and the communication protocol.


4.  To monitor the operation of the members’ code of conduct, the member and officer protocol and the communication protocol.


5.  To advise, train or arrange to train councillors, co-opted members and church and parent governor representatives on matters relating to the members’ code of conduct.


6.  To deal with any complaints referred to it and any report from the monitoring officer on any matter which is referred to him or her.


7.  To receive reports from the monitoring officer on unlawful expenditure and probity issues.


8.  To receive reports from the statutory officers under the council’s whistle blowing policy.


9.  To provide strategic oversight on the use of the powers regulated by the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 and to receive reports on operational use at least once a quarter.


10.  To consider the withholding of allowances from individual members (including elected members and co-opted members) in whole or in part for non-attendance at meetings, or, for elected members only, for failure to attend required training.


11.  To establish the following sub-committees:


  • to consider complaints of misconduct against elected councillors and co-opted members
  • to consider civic awards.


Matters reserved for decision


12.  The matters reserved for decision to the committee are as set out in the roles and functions other than those functions delegated to the relevant sub-committee.


Matters reserved for decision by the standards (conduct) sub-committee


13.  To consider complaints of misconduct against elected councillors and co-opted members.


Matters reserved for decision by the standards (civic awards) sub-committee


14.  To grant civic awards.


15.  To consider the process by which the decisions with respect to civic awards applications are to be taken and to make recommendations to the standards committee.


16.  To appoint non-voting co-opted members.