
Environment Scrutiny Commission - Monday 22 July 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QH

Contact: Julie Timbrell 

No. Item



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    To receive any apologies for absence.


Notification of any items of business which the chair deems urgent

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    In special circumstances, an item of business may be added to an agenda within five clear working days of the meeting.


Disclosure of Interests and Dispensations

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    Members to declare any interests and dispensations in respect of any item of business to be considered at this meeting.




London Wildlife Trust: Centre for Wildlife Gardening

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    Diana Wallace and Jane Lilley will present on volunteering and learning sessions at the Centre for Wildlife Gardening and the  Nature in Mind ‘project.




Healthy Weight

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    Public Health will provide a presentation on the Healthy Weight Strategy with particular reference to active travel and green spaces, in order to support the review


    The following officers will present:

    ·  Sangeeta Leahy, Director of Public Health

    ·  Gillian Boundy,  Senior Public Health Programme Manager – Place and Health Improvement

    Supporting documents:


Scrutiny review: Environmental Health-the health and wellbeing impacts of active travel and improved access to nature

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    This item will consider the proposed scrutiny review topic of ‘Environmental Health: The health and wellbeing impacts of active travel and improved access to nature and how these can be extended through our borough’.


    Jack McKenna, Senior Public Affairs Manager UK and Ireland, Lime will present. A  paper is enclosed.

    Supporting documents:


Biodiversity policies planning briefing


Scrutiny review: Biodiversity draft report


Work programme

Discussion of any other open items as notified at the start of the meeting.