Agenda and minutes

Environment and Community Engagement Scrutiny Commission - Thursday 11 May 2023 7.00 pm

Venue: 160 Tooley Street, London, SE1 2QH

Contact: Julie Timbrell 

No. Item



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    To receive any apologies for absence.


    Apologies were received from Councillor Ketzia Harper, Councillor Reginald Popoola Councillor  David Watson and co-optee Shalaka Laxman.


    Councillor Emily Hickson gave apologies for lateness.


Notification of any items of business which the chair deems urgent

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    In special circumstances, an item of business may be added to an agenda within five clear working days of the meeting.


    There were none.


Disclosure of Interests and Dispensations

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    Members to declare any interests and dispensations in respect of any item of business to be considered at this meeting.



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    To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meetings held on 12 January and note the interim minutes of the 20 February 2023.



    Supporting documents:


    The minutes of the meeting held on 12 January 2023 were agreed as an accurate record.


    The interim minutes of 20 February were noted.




Interview of the Cabinet Member for Leisure, Parks, Streets & Clean Air

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    Supporting documents:


    The chair invited Cllr Catherine Rose to present her portfolio and then invited members to ask questions.


    The following themes were discussed:



      Air quality limits, the Air Quality Action Plan across Southwark and the plan’s focus on particulates and Nitrogen Dioxide,


      Registering for an air quality text and rationale,


      Measures to incentivise reduction in vehicle ownership,


      Increasing cycling and parking provision,


      Wood / solid fuel burning emissions , neighbourhood disputes , and how to tackle this including education on mitigation and potential enforcement,


      Bikes and scooter operators and managing obstruction,


      Bike theft - increasing security and promoting cooperative insurance policies,


      Gas burning contributing to internal air pollution.




    Officer briefings will be provided on:


    ·  How weight of vehicles and consequent impact on increased production of tyre and other particulates,  plus increased morbidity and mortality if involved in accidents,  is being considered, and link with emission based parking charges,


    ·  Updated information on car ownership using ONS data overlaid with parking provision.


Review : Financing and resourcing the Climate Emergency plan

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    This item will conclude the scrutiny review on financing and resourcing the climate emergency plan.


    The following are enclosed:


    ·  Notes of a meeting held  on 14 February 2023 with the London Bridge Business Improvement District (BID), plus and appendix setting out the BIDs routemap to zero carbon (online only),


    ·  Draft summary report.

    Supporting documents:


    The chair presented the draft report and invited the Commission to comment on the report and recommendations.  As a result the following was agreed:




    Recommendation 1


    Add ‘explore’ in the preamble.


    Recommendation 2


    Remove reference to Abundance and add: ‘for the council to explore the most appropriate projects for a Municipal Climate Bonds, recognising that these will need to likely have visible community benefits.’


    Recommendation 3


    Amend to partner with 3ci, for example, or similar.


    Recommendation 4


    Add additional points to the Project Director’s role, recommending that they:


    ·  collaborate with the Greater London Authority, who is working to build a project pipeline at the city level, and that Southwark projects are prioritised in this pipeline, whilst also building a Southwark-level pipeline.


    ·  incorporate the use of measurement/ performance metrics


    Recommendation 5 add other partners to complement the reference to London Bridge BID. 


    Recommendation 6.


    Verify if learning would be more appropriate than joining, in some cases 

    (note seeScience Based Targets initiative (SBTi) )


    Make more general and use the body of the report to reference specifics as well as a reference box linked to the recommendation including adding a reference to joining collaborations and initiatives that can maximise the impact Pension Funds can have on decarbonising the real economy, as well as their portfolios. Reference actions the Pension Fund could take include signing letters to companies/banks; co-filing shareholder resolutions; or other engagement activities that are within the capacity of the Pension Fund team.


    Include references to:


    ·  the Climate Action 100+ initiative;

    ·  the CDP investor engagement initiative ( 

    ·  ShareAction's collaborative investor engagement initiatives on climate (e.g., on banks' fossil fuel financing; chemicals companies)

    ·  United Nation initiative 

    ·  UNISON and ShareAction's work on pension divestment


    (This recommendation will be finalised in consultation with co-optees and Chair.)


    Recommendation 7


    Soften this to ‘consult Carbon Tracker’s work’.


    (This recommendation will be finalised in consultation with co-optees and Chair)


    Recommendation 8 Agree


    Recommendation 9


    Amend to: explore / invite


    Recommendation 10


    Add reference to  Just Transition 


    Additional recommendations:


    1. Develop a Green Finance Framework, which would serve as a voluntary governance standard, setting out how Southwark Council would manage its green financial instruments in the future, and outline how they would be classified as 'green'. These frameworks are essential as they assure investors that funds raised would only be used to help deliver eligible green projects from within the framework - a third-party would monitor the use of funds and provide third-party certification.


    1. Southwark Pension Fund explores and reports back on the potential of incorporating Scope 3 emissions into its definition of carbon neutral, recognising that this is particularly crucial for sectors where the majority of emissions are Scope 3 (downstream) such as fossil fuel industries


    1. Explore whether  carbon offset  policy on price per tonne is in the right place  in collaboration with other London boroughs


    1. In consideration of the pivotal role that Green Finance will play towards achieving our aims within the Climate Emergency Action Plan, the  Leader of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Review: Sustainable Freight

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    This item will conclude the scrutiny review on Sustainable Freight. The draft report is to follow.


    This review will be rolled over to next administrative year for completion.  


Mini Review : Resident Participation Framework

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    This item will conclude the mini review of the Resident Participation Framework. The draft report is enclosed.

    Supporting documents:


    The chair presented the draft report and invited the Commission to comment on the report and recommendations.  As a result the following was agreed:




    Recommendation 1  Agreed


    Recommendation 2  Agreed


    Recommendation 3


    Include an amendment regarding young people and diversity, clearly including where it applies and include TRAs .


    Recommendation 4   Agreed


    Recommendation 5   Agreed


    Recommendation 6


    Clarify and refer to duplication and efficiency.


    Recommendations 7 & 8


    Include an action to compile a list of TRAs and an action plan for where there is not a TRA, including a) how to bring one forward b)  how to increase engagement when there has never been a TRA,


    Combine 7 & 8.


    Recommendation 9


    Be clearer and more specific.


    Recommendation 10  Agreed


    Recommendation 11


    Add reference to Nolan Principles as per amendment below:


    Residents taking on executive committee/ officer positions in constituent bodies within the Resident Participation Framework should be required to act in accordance with the Nolan Principles and submit a Register of Interests form in which they declare any private interests, which may conflict or be perceived to conflict with their public duties.


    Additional recommendation


    Add an additional recommendation to note the importance of training and capacity building.


Work Programme

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    It was agreed that the chair would email members of the new Commission to invite comments on the work plan for next administrative year.