Agenda and minutes

Health and Wellbeing Board - Thursday 14 March 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Ground floor meeting rooms, 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QH

Contact: Maria Lugangira, Principal Constitutional Officer  Email:

No. Item


Welcome and Introductions

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    The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.




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    To receive any apologies for absence.



    Apologies for absence were received from;

    -  Councillor Jasmin Ali

    -  Peter Badudu

    -  David Quirke-Thornton

    -  Ade Odunlade

    -  Anood Al-Samerai




Confirmation of voting Members

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    Voting members of the committee to be confirmed at this point in the meeting.


    Those listed as present were confirmed as the voting member.


Notification of Any items of business which the Chair deems urgent

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    In special circumstances, an item of business may be added to an agenda within five clear days of the meeting.


    There was none.


Disclosure of interests and dispensations

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    Members of the committee to declare any interests and dispensation in respect of any item of business to be considered at this meeting.




    There were none.



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    To agree as a correct record the open minutes of the meeting held on 16 November 2023.

    Supporting documents:


    RESOLVED - That the minutes of the meeting held on 16 November 2023 and were approved as a correct record of the meeting.



Public question time (15 minutes)

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    To receive any question from members of the public which have been submitted in advance of the meeting in accordance with the procedure rules. The deadline for receipt of public questions is midnight Friday 8 March 2024.


    There were none.


Health & Wellbeing Board roles, functions and membership

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    Supporting documents:


    The Board considered the report which provided an update on the changes to the Board’s membership. Amongst the key changes were;


    -  The addition to the Board of the (Acting) Strategic Director of Environment, Neighbourhoods (ENG). This portfolio includes Leisure, Community Safety, Environmental Health, Climate Change & Air Quality. The rationale being that these wider determinants of health have a significant impact on the health and wellbeing of our residents and the inclusioin Strategic Director will strengthen the Boards involvement and influence in these agendas.


    -  Removal of King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust from the Board. The rationale being that while the trust is a key part of our local health system, its focus is on secondary and tertiary care. The trust will remain a member of the Partnership Southwark Strategic Board, and will remain able to submit papers to the Health & Wellbeing Board as necessary in the future.


    -  The responsibilities of the South East London ICB Place Executive Lead will in future be assumed by the Strategic Director of Integrated Health & Care from June 2024. This will include membership of the Health & Wellbeing Board. 


    RESOLVED - That the Health and Wellbeing Board;


    1.  Notes the role and functions of Board as sent out in appendix 1, and agree the future focus on the wider determinants of health.


    2.  Agrees the proposed membership changes, specifically the addition of the Strategic Director for Environment, Neighbourhoods & Growth, and the removal of King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. The rationale for this change is set out in paragraphs 15 and 16 of this report.


    3.  Confirms the membership of Impact on Urban Health.



Impact on Urban Health: Inequalities Research

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    Supporting documents:


    The Board considered the report and presentation, presented by Mike Rigby, Niky Duncanova & Anne Kazimirski from Impact on Urban Health (IoUH)  team.  Impact Urban Health, works through partnerships at the local, national, and international levels, to learn how they can address inequalities in health that disproportionately affect people residing in cities. Their work  is focused in Lambeth and Southwark and seeks to make a positive impact on health and gain insights that inform strategies for better health and wellbeing in South London and beyond


    The presentation covered IoUH aim and objective.

    Their aim: gather baseline data to deepen our understanding of the intersecting factors that affect health in Lambeth & Southwark, in partnership with Lambeth & Southwark councils

    Their objective: unlock improved local decision-making and service provision through community-informed and hyper-local data


    Highlighted amongst the key finding of their research were 2 key emerging themes

    Ø  A person’s likelihood of being in good health was most likely to be influenced by their degree of financial security, education level, housing tenure and conditions, ethnicity, gender, and LGBTQ+ status. 

    Ø  The insights into health and wellbeing provided by residents of Lambeth and Southwark highlight significant disparities in health influenced by a complex interplay of structural discrimination, trust in and access to healthcare, housing quality, and broader social and economic determinants of health.


    RESOLVED - That the Health & Wellbeing Board;


    1.  Note the findings of the research and inequalities experienced by residents in Southwark.


    2.  Assess policy and service decisions against the experiences and concerns identified through this research.



Development of a Southwark Anti-Poverty Action Plan

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    Supporting documents:


    The Board considered the report which provided details of the development and ambitions for the Southwark Anti-Poverty Action Plan (the Plan). The Plan will provide a framework to enable the Board to consider Southwark’s contribution to tackling poverty as both a wider determinant of - and causal factor in - poor health.  It’ll also provide a clear point of focus for the Board to ensure the best efforts of colleagues from across the organisations are focused where they are needed most.

    With regards to its development, the Plan will become a mechanism for assuring the Borough’s response to ongoing cost of living pressures for residents, facilitating a joined-up approach as a tool for discussion at a strategic level. It will enable prioritisation based on shared vision, objectives, outcomes and measures of success.

    There are already a wide range of strategies and initiatives in place, in Southwark to tackle poverty. Further work is required to more fully map and reflect the work of all partners and ensure a truly holistic picture of activity in the borough. The Health and Wellbeing Board will have a key role in the identification, review and monitoring of outcomes from the Plan.


    RESOLVED - That the Southwark Health and Wellbeing Board;


    1.  Note the work already established across the borough to tackle poverty and its far-reaching impacts for residents.


    2.  Agree to establish a Southwark Anti-Poverty Action Plan (the Plan) as part of our joint response to the ambitions being developed through Southwark 2030, and to review the Plan as part of a new annual cycle.


    3.  Establish a task-and-finish group to develop the first iteration of the Plan. Also, identify representatives to join the group, which will present back to the Board in November 2024.




Health Protection Report 2022/23: Summary for the Health and Wellbeing Board

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    Supporting documents:


    The Board considered the report which provided an overview of health protection activities, incidents, challenges and achievements from April 2022 to March 2023. Further details were set out in appendix 1 of the report


    A broad range of health protection work was achieved during 2022/23, with some common themes emerging:

    Ø  A high level of health protection activity persists post-pandemic.

    Ø  There has been some post-pandemic fallout, for example the high number of Group A Strep cases and the impact on breast cancer coverage.

    Ø  Opportunities highlighted from the pandemic including the benefits of close working with communities to tailor our health protection responses to what is acceptable, accessible and understandable.

    Ø  Evidence that there is an ongoing need for vigilance as an inner borough within a global city such as London, for example mpox, diphtheria amongst asylum seekers and travel related infections.


    Across the Southwark system, it works most effectively through:

    Ø  A coordinated multi-partner/agency approach.

    Ø  Working closely with our communities.

    Ø  Using data smartly and ensuring a systematic approach to action planning.

    Ø  Making every contact count and thinking broadly around the holistic needs of population groups who, quite commonly, may benefit from more than one health protection intervention.


    RESOLVED - That the Health and Wellbeing Board;


    1.  Note the findings of the Health Protection Summary Report 2022/23 and health protection activity across the system during 2022/23, set out in appendix.


    2.  Agrees to receive a health protection report annually. For 2024/25 this would be at the meeting in December 2024. 



South East London Integrated Care Board Joint Forward Plan - 2024/25 Refresh

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    Supporting documents:


    The Board considered the report that provide an overview of the Joint Forward Plan. The Plan provides a strategic overview of key priorities and objectives for the next 5 years at South East London (SEL) and borough level, and a summary of short term actions to deliver these. It covers a wide range of planning requirements to ensure that services are being developed that the key areas such as the following are covered;

    ·  Meeting the needs of our population

    ·  Demonstrating and making tangible progress in addressing the core purpose of our wider integrated care system - improving outcomes in health and healthcare, tackling inequalities in outcomes, experience and access, enhancing productivity and value for money and helping the NHS support broader social and economic development

    ·  Delivers national NHS Long Term Plan and wider priorities

    ·  Meets the statutory requirements of our Integrated Care Board


    The Southwark section of the Plan sets the five key objectives underpinning the local plan, which correspond to the Health and Wellbeing Strategy:-

    ·  A whole family approach to give children the best start in life

    ·  Healthy employment and good health for working age adults

    ·  Early identification and support to stay well

    ·  Strong and connected communities

    ·  Integration of health and social care


    RESOLVED - That the Health and Wellbeing Board;


    1.  Notes the draft NHS South East London Integrated Care Board Joint Forward Plan refresh for 2024/25.


    2.  Confirmed that it considered refreshed Joint Forward Plan continues to take proper account of the priorities and actions outlined within the Southwark Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy.



Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022-25 Supplementary Statement 1

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    Supporting documents:


    The Board considered the report which provided Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) structured assessment of local need for, and provision of, pharmaceutical services, mapped against local demographics, health needs and health services. The PNA is submitted to NHS England, and is used by them and local commissioners to plan local pharmacy service provision.


    NHS England requires the Health and Wellbeing Board to publish PNA Supplementary Statements, summarising changes that have occurred since the last full PNA


    RESOLVED - That the Health and Wellbeing Board note the first Supplementary Statement of the Southwark Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2022–25.



Any other business

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    The chair on behalf the Board extended their warm thanks Sarah Austin, Chief Executive Integrated and Specialist Medicine for Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust who was retiring after 46 years in the NHS.