Venue: Southwark Council, 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QH / HYBRID
Contact: Maria Lugangira, Principal Constitutional Officer Email:
Note: PLEASE NOTE: Due to the strikes planned for Thursday 20 July 2023, this meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board will be a hybrid meeting. If you would like to join and observe the meeting remotely, please contact
No. | Item |
Minutes: The Vice-Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. |
To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from; - Councillor Kieron Williams - Althea Loderick - Martin Wilkinson - Anna Garrod
Voting members of the committee to be confirmed at this point in the meeting. Minutes: Those listed as present were confirmed as the voting members.
In special circumstances, an item of business may be added to an agenda within five clear days of the meeting. Minutes: There were none.
Members of the committee to declare any interests and dispensation in respect of any item of business to be considered at this meeting. Minutes: There were none.
To agree as a correct record the open minutes of the meeting held on 16 March 2023. Supporting documents: Minutes: RESOLVED - That the minutes of the meeting held on 16 March 2023, were approved as a correct record of the meeting.
To receive any question from members of the public which have been submitted in advance of the meeting in accordance with the procedure rules.
Minutes: There were none.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board considered the report, which provided a summary of a project that explored how the health and care system can strengthen its engagement work with local communities to build trust.
Initial engagement through Southwark Stands Together (SST) highlighted that distrust in health and care services can exacerbate existing health inequalities. Through this engagement, local residents shared that distrust can stem from:
- Poor experiences of services - Lack of continuous feedback loops in previous engagement work - The long-term impact of colonialism, racist medical practices and racism denial.
Southwark Council commissioned Social Finance and Centric to explore how the health and care system can strengthen its engagement work to rebuild trust.
As a result of this work six recommendations were developed and they described principles to prioritise in engagement work and reflect what local communities said was important to rebuild trust:
1. Demonstrable commitment to on-going engagement 2. Connected engagement work 3. Language and terminology 4. Outreach 5. Investment in community capabilities and training 6. Funding for voluntary and community sector
This work has been shared with health and care partners and the recommendations have helped shape Partnership Southwark’s approach to incorporating lived experience into ways of working.
A summary of this work will be published on South East London Integrated Care System’s website to ensure learning is shared.
RESOLVED – That the Southwark Health and Wellbeing Board note the recommendations from the project undertaken by Social Finance and Centric.
BETTER CARE FUND 2023/24 - 2024/25
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board discussed and considered the report.
Due to the quorum rules around decision making, which require 5 voting members of the board to be physically present in the room, the report could not be formally agreed as only 3 voting members were present.
The board discussed the presentation of the template and whether there was a way the information could be presented in a more user-friendly format. There was an understanding that part of the issue regarding the template arose from having to use language prescribed by NHS England and the DoHSC. The consensus was that further discussions were need it suggest these NHS colleagues, the voluntary sector and council officers with a view to working together to see how such information could be presented in way that is accessible.
The board agreed the report in principal with a further agreement to reconvene an extraordinary meeting to formally approve the report and its recommendations.
RESOLVED – 1. That the board agree the report in principal. 2. That the board agreed to reconvene an extraordinary meeting of the Health and Wellbeing Board to formally agree the Better Care Fund 2023/24 – 2024/25 and its recommendations.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board considered the report. As part of the planning process for the Joint Forward Plan it’s a requirement that each Health and Wellbeing Board in the ICS provide a statement confirming that the plan has properly taken in to account the borough’s health and wellbeing strategy.
1. The Board notes the South East London Integrated Care Board Joint Forward Plan 2023/24.
2. The Board notes the letter dated 14 June 2023 from the Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board to the Chief Executive of South East London Integrated Care Board confirming the Joint Forward Plan takes ‘proper account’ of the priorities and actions outlined within the Southwark Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Head of Health and Wellbeing, presented theJoint Strategic Needs Assessment Annual Report, which provided a broad overview of health and wellbeing in Southwark. It further provide an analysis of Southwark’s changing population, along with details of the health inequalities that exist in the borough.
The report also forms part of the borough’s Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) work programme, and supports the monitoring of key health and wellbeing outcomes set out in the Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS) and other local strategies and plans.
In addition to the JSNA Annual Report, a number of in-depth projects have been recommended for the JSNA programme over the coming months, they include:
- Children & Young People’s Mental Health & Wellbeing: this needs assessment is currently being finalised and focuses on children and young people under 25. - LGBTQI+: This proposed needs assessment will build on the new demographic data released through the 2021 Census and seek to establish the health and wellbeing needs of this population group. - Neighbourhood Profiles: A series of neighbourhood profiles are proposed to supplement this annual report. They will provide summaries of demographics, health and wellbeing for communities across the borough and support neighbourhood work. - On-going monitoring of the cost of living crisis: It is proposed the monitoring of the cost of living crisis continues to support the local response.
RESOLVED - That the Board;
1. Noted the findings of the JSNA Annual Report 2023, and agreed an annual update.
2. Noted the population groups and communities identified with the poorest outcomes.
3. Noted and agreed the JSNA projects recommended for the coming months.
Supporting documents: Minutes: The Board considered the Annual Public Health Report, which this year highlighted, air quality as a significant public health concern, and (i) noted the progress that has been made, (ii) addressed what more can be done by individuals, businesses, organisations, and stakeholders to contribute to cleaner air in Southwark.
Further detiled in the report was the following:
a) Sources and trends: an overview of sources of indoor and outdoor pollutants, as well as a summary of changes in pollutant levels over time, predictions for future levels, and geographical patterns.
b) Air quality and health: a summary of the health effects of poor air quality and associated health inequalities. This section also introduces the relationship between air quality and climate change, and highlights community views on air quality.
c) Action to improve air quality: an overview of the council’s work on air quality to date, covering monitoring air quality; developments and buildings; cleaner transport; schools, health services, and communities; awareness raising; inspiring and influencing; and indoor air pollution.
d) Recommendations: a series of ten top tips for individuals, organisations, businesses, and stakeholders working on air quality to contribute to cleaner air in Southwark.
RESOLVED - The board note the findings of the Annual Public Health Report (APHR) and support the recommendations set out on pages 25-27.
Minutes: There was none.